Part 2

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Y/n : "*groan* where am i"

As Y/n slowly opening his eyes, which resulting him closing his eyes again because of the blinding light that greet him. After a while he re-opened his eyes and slowly sittng up

Y/n : "*Pained groan* Ah.. where is this" He looks around which resembling a infirmary "Look like im in the infirmary of whatever this thing is" it took him a while until he realizes something is wrong

Y/n : 

"Wait im a human!?" he said

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"Wait im a human!?" he said. as soon he said that he has his past event that occured to him which giving him a massive headache and started screaming

Y/n : "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He screamd loud enough that it's reached all the way into wales office.

3rd Person POV

the base was repaired rather quickly after getting attacked from the surprise attack from the sakura empire. and we can see the discovery sitting on the beach of azur lane its still smoking but no fire can be seen from the giant vessel. All of the sudden they hear


They hear a loud shout that surprise them especially wales and illustrious who is drinking tea on the office.

Illus : "What is that sound!?" As she stand up

Wales : "It's sound like from the hallway into the infirmary."

Illus : "I'm gonna check it out. Cmon unicorn." She said walking out from the office and unicorn following suite.

Wales : "Please be safe.." She muttered after Illustrious walking out from the office.

Infirmary POV

we can see Y/n laying in the floor as his wound started to open again. his bandages starting getting red from hi re-opened wound. then the infirmary door swing open which reveal, Illustrious and Unicorn. As she looked down and panic as she look to the boy who is on the floor and clutching his wound

Illus : "OMG, Are you ok!?" she come to the boy side and lifted him up to the bed to see him panting

Y/n : "T-thanks" He said while still panting. as illustrious change his bandage, which makes her blush from his body. Unicorn being the innocent soul she is she just stared worryingly to the boy

Unicorn : "Onee-chan c-can i help" Unicorn asked which got illustrious blushing lighter

Unicorn : "Onee-chan c-can i help" Unicorn asked which got illustrious blushing lighter

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Azur Lane x USS Discovery(male reader) Harem (SCHOOL HIATUS) Where stories live. Discover now