Part 5

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While its raining hard we can see all of the shipgirls that was having fun in the beach running towards the beach drenched from the rain. we can see Hornet Scrubbing Hamman hair in the living room area of the academy(seriously tho is it the academy or the dormitory) While Y/n and wales was inside the office looking out the rain, Y/n just finished drying his hair and looking out the window with Wales

Wales : "Look's like it's going to be heavy"

Y/n : "Yeah... this rain came out so suddenly"

The camera than was focused on Cleveland who is running towards the office before abruptly opening the door

Cleve : "Wales! Y/n!" She called out to both of them

Y/n/Wales : "Hmm? What's wrong cleve?/What is it."


We now in the middle of the sea, the waves going wild. The camera then pants down towards the ocean showing 4 shipgirls sailing with their rigging on.

Hamman : "Uuuuu I can't believe i have to get wet again..." She complained

Cleve : "Sorry about that." She apologized while rubbing the back of her head. She then got her serious expression back "But we can't ignore a distress call." She said as she started to look around.  "We should be getting close..."

Enty : "Did they lose their way in this storm?" Enterprise going beside cleveland who hasn't noticed 

Cleve : "Maybe....." It takes her a second to realize the not battle ready enterprise was with them "Wait, Enterprise, what are you doing here!? Your rig isn't repaired yet" She asked turning towards her

Bel : "Do you always begin a mission in that state?" Belfast asked worriedly 

Hamman : "Wait! I see something up ahead!" She said pointing towards the ocean.

Cleveland then came towards her side and looked forward aswell. The camera slowly going towards the front revealing a 'Dead' siren ship

Cleve : "Sirens, here!?" She said getting her rigging ready as the weapon was pointing towards the siren

Enty : "No, look closely." She said stopping cleveland

The camera zooms in back to the 'Dead' siren ship

Cleve : "They've already gone through battle..." She said surprised

Hamman : "Are the ships that sent out a distress signal fighting the sirens?" She said as she started to looking around

Cleve : "That means we have to hurry, but..." She said the turned her head towards the waves "In this storm, we can't even scout for enemies properly. We have to be careful!" She orderes

Enty : "Cover my flank" She said suddenly surprising cleveland who let out a 'Huh?'and started speeding up towards battlezone

Cleve : "Why? how? Gahh!! Why is she always like this!?" She said angrily scaring hamman who tried to calm her down. Belfast keeping her gaze towards enterprise with a serious look

Unbeknown by them a shuttlecraft was following from above 

 Enterprise was dodging debris of the 'Dead' siren ship trying to locate the Signal sender. She then stopped and started to look around spotting a tilting light cruiser in the middle of Sirens ship

Enty : "That must be it" She said before dashing toward the side of the boat and jumped on the deck

She started walking trying to find the person who send the signal. Spotting two tiny girls one of them was kneeling keeping support to the other one who is injured. The one with red outfit noticed enterprise and started to grit her teeth and glaring towards enterprise keeping who seems like her sister close towards her 

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