Chapter Thirteen: The Freaks Come Out At Night

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Back in Mr. Sanders' apartment, Jill and Beverly were talking.
"I understand what you mean," Jill munched on the cookie. "I worry a lot all the time. I already believe my parents are dead. They were on a trip, but never came back."

"Oh, Sweetie," Beverly hugged Jill. "I am so sorry for you. What about Natalie? Are her parents still alive?"

"Her father was killed in the war of 2112...."

"2112?" Beverly interrupted. How could he be her father, twelve years before she was born?"

"It's a long story," You might want to sit down for this," Jill giggled.


Down on the main level of the apartment building, Mr. Sanders and I were getting ready. We were not going to be caught off guard. A dead zombie was on the ground next to us. Wait, aren't they all dead? I giggle to myself. Mr. Sanders took a zombie and cut it up into pieces. I knew what he was going to do. This part was going to make me sick.

I hate the smell of rotten flesh, but if you want to get through a herd of the dead, you have to use camouflage. I asked Mr. Sanders to put some on himself. He wasn't thrilled with the idea, but he did it anyway. I wanted to check out the pool, but after viewing all the zombies through the doorway windows, I changed my mind. We made a change of plans. Our plan is now to get out of the building and find some more weapons, or something.

"You know where the police station is?" I asked?

"Yes, but it's secured tight," he answered.

"Damn!" I muttered.

"Watch your mouth, young lady. No girl should be swearing at that age."

We finish up mucking ourselves. The smell grosses out me, but I know that I am safe. We then slowly, so the zombies don't hear us, walk into the lobby. We open the door and slip out. Not one of them even noticed us coming through. They must have thought we were one of them. Just to keep it safe, we did not talk.

Wandering through the Skyway, the same one Jill and I were in the other day, we followed a path that leads to the building. It looked like a bank.

"Why are we at a bank?" I asked. I was perplexed. We didn't need money? We're not going to rob a bank. Are you crazy? What will we do with the money? Buy our own weapons?

"Most people don't know this, but banks have guns hidden inside. They need them to protect themselves from bank robbers."

We traveled through the Skyway to most of the banks in the area. It was a bit scary strolling through there with the dead trekking around us. They never even knew we were there. There were lots of things to see, but nothing was open. I wished the Apocalypse never happened. This place appeared fun to go through. Lots of places to go. Coffee Shops, lots of different kinds of restaurants. None I have ever heard of.

Even an Anime Store. I got to go there sometime. Maybe sometime when I am not so busy. I can just loot it. Mr. Sanders kept pulling my arm. He didn't want me dawdling. It was boring going to every bank in the Skyway. I still think it would have been faster to get ammo at police stations. He doesn't know that I am skilled at breaking through security.

I notice a phone store while we wander by. It wasn't just a cell phone company store. It was also a satellite phone store. That would be useful for us to use. We have to go there sometime. I studied the name. 'Twin Cities CelDirect' Very interesting. I will look it up online when I get a chance.

"This is nothing, compared to the Minneapolis Skyway system." Mr. Sanders laughed. "But even there, you can get lost. Let's hurry up. We have a lot to do."

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