Chapter 9:

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Percy's pov: He's in a dream

For some reason I'm in washington d.c. in one of the museums near the national mall. I know there's a reason why I'm here, but I must figure that out for myself. I'm exploring the halls of this museum until i come to a room that kinda resembles a theater or something of the like. It was roped off for a private event if my guess is write with what the sign said and the velvet ropes.

I walked through the door since it was a dream, and came to face what would haunt Zoë more than me, Atlas was sitting on a chair getting the event ready, with Luke sitting in a chair looking like he just died, but was sleeping in one of the chairs.

"Wake up you sorry excuse of a demigod you don't see me sleeping now do you" Atlas bellowed kicking Luke in the chins

"UUUGGGHHH I'm up. I'm up" Luke said sleepily, seemingly ignoring the pain of the kick or the kick wasn't hard

"I just got out recently and you don't see me sleeping around" Atlas stated

"Well sorry for only being mortal, I wasn't aware of the strain or tiredness that the task would bring me, even if it was only for a minute" Luke responded

"Yeah yeah, But you screwed up allowing that blonde girl to get to Artemis" Atlas said.

"She'll have to leave eventually for food and water" Luke stated, "But I still want her alive Atlas, I think we can convince her"

"You won't be able to do that with a goddess whispering in her ear. But I'll give you to the equinox to convince her, after that I'll kill her" Atlas stated monotonously

"What about the campers, They plan on freeing Artemis" Luke explained

"Well you'll have to convince Annabeth to leave the goddess and either join or accept imprisonment before then" Atlas stated, "otherwise we'll kill her, we can't have someone with her intelligence to be in the hands of our enemies. And what of your troops"

"The available ones will be there on the solstice and start helping with the rebuild. Just remember my ship was only recently repaired. I still can't believe Jackson shot it"

"With what did he shoot it with"

"The Queen Anne's Revenge. Sorry I mean an old pirate ship with cannons if you aren't caught up to speed yet" Luke said with sarcasm

" I have more questions, but I think we have an unwelcome visitor at the moment" Atlas said, turning around to try and find me but I woke up before he made the complete turn.

End of dream

I woke up in a cold sweat to see that Zoë was waking up and my other sister's were up and moving about, well minus Phoebe. She looked as sick as can be in bed. "Alright Percy, Phoebe are you packed and ready to go" Zoë asked not even looking around the room.

"Yeah I'm ready" Phoebe said weakly trying to get up out of bed, but Atalanta forced her down and demanded she stay in bed.

"Phoebe is sick. I speculate a prank by the Stoll brothers with the shirt they gave her yesterday" Atalanta said

"Prank them back hard, and take care of Phoebe. We mustn't waste time waiting for her to heal, as our lady is in need of us" Zoë said looking solemnly at Phoebe

"But" Phoebe tried to protest

"You are ill Phoebe, rest" Zoë ordered, to which Phoebe reluctantly laid back down, "Atalanta stay with Phoebe, and Hunter get food for the both of them to bring back here after each meal, until Phoebe is well again. Now brother grab your things, we must get on our way" Zoë said shouldering her bag and starting to walk out the door.

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