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"Where the fuck is Jeremy?!" I ask somewhat in a hostile manner. But the person behind the counter just stares at me, as if I was an unknown creature.

"Obviously not here," he manages to say.

Well then.

"Can I have a grande cafe mocha, no sugar, no whipped cream, extra dry, with half skim, half full milk. No I don't want 2% milk, just a mixture of the both. And raspberry syrup, mix with the milk, then the coffee." I finish quickly hoping this new guy is coherent enough to remember my order cause Lord only knows I hate repeating myself.

"Yeah, could you just repeat that one more time?" He asks.

"Oh OK so I guess Shine just hires idiots now..." I mumble.

"Not everyone can understand fancy coffee talk!" He says while throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Well I would certainly hope so, considering you work at a damn COFFEE SHOP!" I yell.

"Could you kindly keep your voice down, you're disturbing the other customers." He asks not so nicely.

Like I give a rats ass about the other customers.

"I'll have you know that I personally know the owners of this cafe," OK so maybe that's not exactly true. "And I'm sure they would just love to hear all about how you've treated one of their most loyal customers."

"Are you finished," he asks while shaking his head, "cause I PERSONALLY know the owners too and I think they would just love to hear about the girl with the attitude, who came into the cafe and disturbed all their customers." He begins smirking as if he just won the argument.

He technically did.

I don't have time to argue with this imbecile.

I have class in 30 minutes.

"Forget this, I'm going to Starbucks!" I say turning around to exit. "And another thing...get a fucking hair cut...you look stupid," I yell, referring to his untamed hair growing aimlessly on his head.

With that I storm out of the Café. Taking out my iPhone from my back pocket, I quickly search for the nearest Starbucks.

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