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I never really had an idea of how it all happened, when did it all started and how did it happened.
All I know is that, one morning.
My heart is aching for different pain running through my throat making me feel unknown emotions I am forbidden to feel.

At first, I thought it was just an overwhelming feeling since I've been with him for almost every day and every time of my life.
But with those smiles who can warmth my deepest soul I found myself trapped into his presence after biting into his bait.
He is so innocent, he has no idea what's his effects on me.

The way his hair moves along the blowing wind, how his brows slightly raised everytime he would talk to me about random things...the way he slowly lift his lips for a assuring smile. Everything about him became a big deal.

That effects somehow frightens me.
Those growing feelings put me into uncertainty.
Those butterflies is scaring that I am slowly putting them into a jar which they'll be traped. So I could hide them. So they won't became threat. So that I won't creep him out.
So that nothing will change between us...

“Hey, What took you so long?” a deep baritone voice woke my dreaming body.

I raised my gaze to the man I was referring about. He is raising his brows while his hands are hidden inside his pocket.
Standing carelessly, I found him attractive with his first three buttons open.

“Why'd you wait?” I asked raising my brows too.
I return my eyes to the book I was holding.
We were inside the book store near our school.
I love reading. So I'm here, looking for another story to read.
Until this book caught my attention.

‘When I told him about You'

It was entitled like that, I have read the description already and it is a story of person who fell in love with his best friend. But he couldn't tell him so instead he tried to cover up as if he fell for the other person so he could tell him about his feelings even in an hidden way.
I envy this person.

I wish I could tell him about how I feel about him. I wish he'll accept me. I wish nothing will change.

“I waited because I wanted to. And besides you look lonely,” he replied.

“Well I guess thank you?” I replied.

He nod his head and put his hands on his pocket.

We walked out from the store and started our pace home.
We decided to just walk home.
Like always...
I also love this thing walking with him...

“Woo, I got casted by a modeling company...they say I'll fit for that. Should I take it?” he started to speak and walk near. Just beside me.

“Hmm. You should, it's a great opportunity.” modeling? Of course you will fit for that. You're dropdead gorgeous. You will surely outshine those models.

He tilted his head looking at me with a small smile on his lips.
He turned to face me.

“You think that would be a great idea?”
He asked again raising his brows.

“You? Modeling? Of course.”

He lower his gaze and walk facing the ground. I saw a hint of small smile. He's cute and handsome at the same time.

“Jeongwoo...” Haruto called while his gaze are still fixed on the floor.

“Hmm?”  I replied while look at him intently.

“Mom said you should join us for dinner tomorrow,” his deep voice became deeper when he said those words. The rumble of his voice went to my ears and straight to my rapidly beating heart.
He sounds so sexy for a reason I don't know.

“Alright, I should brought some dessert then- what celebration are you guys celebrating? It's not her birthday tomorrow not yours too not your dad's and sister...” I said frowning my brows.

“I don't know either, she said she has something to announce. And she wants you to be there. Guess you're her favorite and not me.” he joked while he put his hand on my head for a pat

“A-huh.” my reply while I shoo his hand away from my head.

“Bring a spare clothes. You'll sleep on the room again.” he whispered.

And damn the way he said it sent butterflies to my stomach, I'm always having an sleep over in there house yet my heart still can't stop beating fast.

To be continued...

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