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After some days.......
VR Mansion................
Riansh room.................

Riddhima made Riansh ready and she was changing Ritvik's diaper........suddenly two strong arms snaked her waist from behind and she knows the owner......
Riddhima: Vansh!
Vansh: After their entry u  become too much busy with them....no time for me.....
Riddhima: awww.....but they need me....
Vansh: I also need u🌚
Riddhima: Vansh 🙈😂.......we r not alone ....they r also here.......they saw Ritvik who was giggling while Riansh was giving small smirk......
Vansh: these devils......
Riddhima: and u r the dad of devils....
Vansh snuggled his nose in the crook of her  neck.....

Riddhima: Vansh,  yesterday u hv said me to join ur hospital after 2-3 years,  when they(children) will go to school .....but I don't think that I can join ur hospital after 2-3 years........
Vansh: why?
Riddhima: Vansh I want to do MBBS also.....usse pehle nahi.....in MBBS only...I have to dedicate my three years to MBBS......
Vansh: no need
Vansh: u will join ur classes for MBBS from next week......

Riddhima: how?.....I can't leave my babies alone at home.....neither I can take them along with me.......they need me, I have to feed them from time to time.....yes I want to study, I want to do job but not on the condition of my babies health.....
Vansh: relax sweetheart.....u will not go anywhere....I will arrange everything....u will attend ur classes from home only....so this way we can take care of them also and u can continue ur studies also......by the time they become capable to go school,  u can join my hospital.....simple.....
Riddhima: but which hospital will allow me to study from home......
Vansh: ahhhh come on sweetheart as if u don't know ur husband.......
Riddhima: means.....
Vansh: ur husband is Richie rich ..... if he can own a hospital for u .....can't he own a college for u......
Riddhima: what?????
Vansh(winking at her): don't be astonished......for ur happiness if I have to own this world na ....I won't mind ......

Riddhima slaps her head with her hand.....
Riddhima: u r impossible.......
Vansh stared her lips and was about to kiss but alas!  Ritvik started crying......
Vansh groaned in frustration......

Vansh: what u want now....he pick him in his hands.....but he was spreading his hands in air towards Riddhima........
Riddhima: awwwww my baby.....she picked him in her arms and started pacifying him by patting his back but he was crying continuously......
Riddhima (worried): what happened my baby?
Ritvik put his small hands on her chest indicating her that he is hungry.....at which Vansh's eyes widened but Riddhima smiled.......

Riddhima: why r u staring my baby like this....he needs it ok.....u plz go......
Vansh: why?
Riddhima: I have to feed them.....pervert.....
Vansh: before them I have seen them.....I'm not going anywhere.....I have to work....u feed them .....I will sit behind u on couch to work on my laptop .....
Riddhima started to feed them.....first she fed Ritvik then Riansh.....but during all these time only Vansh know how he had controlled himself as both of them were making noise while sucking their mother's milk.......

Vansh (mind): aate hi meri cheezo par kabza kar diya devils kahi ke........
When Riddhima fed them , she corrected her dress and was about to get up by she was pulled by some force and she landed on a hard Rock chest ....she looked down only to find Vansh smirking.....

Riddhima: what u want now?
Vansh: YOUUUU 😈
Riddhima: first ur sons doesn't allow me to take breathe for a minute peacefully and after them u starts.....pouting.....
Vansh: awwww my baby....he pecked her lips.....he started to undrap her saree.....
Riddhima: Vansh!
Vansh: what happened?
Riddhima: I can't plz....
Vansh (worried): why? What happened?
Riddhima: it's still paining and moreover by continously feeding them my br**sts r also paining.....I have to feed two babies at a time....I'm tired like hell........
Vansh (concerned): and u never share ur pain to anyone....leave them....not even to me.....
Riddhima: it's normal Vansh....
Vansh: No we will visit to doctor.....
Riddhima: no need Vansh....I just want to rest......
Vansh: then why u wear such heavy dresses....u have to wear something soft....wait I'll bring it.....
He went and brought comfortable soft fabric dresses for her.....Vansh help her in change and made her sleep by holding her in his embrace.........after sometime Riansh started crying.....Riddhima was about to get up but Vansh stopped her......
Vansh: I'll see....u rest........
Riddhima: what happened to him Vansh?
Vansh: his diaper needs to be get changed....
Riddhima: wait!
Vansh: u rest na....I'll do it
Riddhima: u know how to?
Vansh: I hv seen u many times changing their diapers and this is the time to learn.....so that when our princes will come by that time her papa will be trained to take care of her so that her mom should do her other works.......why changing diapers is always mumma's task.....dad can also do it.......
Riddhima smiled.....Vansh changed his diaper and made him sleep and then return to accompany Riddhima in sleep but she had already slept......he  ruffled her hairs in affection,  kissed her cheeks and slept.......

On the other side Sabir went to doctor.....doctor told them the growth is normal....both r fine ....baby as well as sejal

After one week Vansh told Riddhima to be ready for the classes....he gifted her new laptop and all the books and things necessary for her study........Vansh himself went to office very rare , he used to work from home as he didn't want Riddhima to get under burden ......as he don't want her to be stressed,  to handle studies as well as babies all alone.....Riddhima attended her all classes online and in between whenever the babies cry....they were handle by Vansh only.....
Riddhima was done with her dinner after feeding them......
Vansh: so done with ur classes today......
Riddhima: yupp....
Vansh: that nice....
Riddhima: but Vansh!.......u also get binded with me......
Vansh: I loved to.....for my whole life jaan.....
Riddhima: but Vansh.....I'm worried about my babies health as I'm not able to feed them during my class time......
Vansh: so that's the issue......
Riddhima: hmmm.....
Vansh: so the solution to ur problem will be solved by tomorrow.....
Riddhima: what?
Vansh: such a curious soul u r.....wait.....now let's sleep before they start their crying session......
They slept.....

Next morning.......Vansh gifted her something......
Riddhima: what's this Vansh?
Vansh: open urself.....
Riddhima opened the gift only to find breast pump

Vansh: this is the solution to ur problem....
Riddhima: this???
Vansh: sweetheart this is br**st pump.....it can suck milk from ur br**sts and pour the same in bottle......u can use them....and I can feed them when u will be busy in ur classes....in this way u can attend ur classes peacefully and they will also get their milk on time to time.....u don't hv to worry....use it but before that read the description how to use them.......

Riddhima was overwhelmed by her husband's caring gestures......her eyes were filled with tears of happiness,  love , affection and what not.....she hugged him tightly at which Vansh smiled......
Riddhima: thanku so much Vansh.....it's really useful.....
Vansh: okk stop ur thanku session and don't l behave like a cry baby....have ur breakfast than fill these bottles and get ready for ur classes like a good and   obedient student.... rest I'll handle.... 
Riddhima kissed his cheeks and he does the same.......

𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓹: 𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 2😊❤️

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