Vampire Hunt: Part 1

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*Imagine getting kidnapped by vampires and TFW having to save you.

These stupid vamps. When were they going to learn not to mess with the Winchesters? Well they did have their little sister, but they should know that would only make it worse and that this wasn't going to end well for them.

My brothers and I were only expecting about three vamps in the nest when we came on this hunt. We had followed them out of a bar, waiting for our opportunity to strike. They eventually caught onto us and bolted in different directions. Dean, Sam, and I split up, going after each one. That was our first mistake.

The vamp I was chasing after was a little blonde girl who couldn't have been any older than 16. I didn't think she was going to be too hard to take down. And she wouldn't have been, had she not led me to her nest where about twelve more were waiting.

As soon as I walked in that warehouse, I knew that this wasn't going to end well for me. So I decided right then and there that I wasn't going to give up but I was at least going to go down swinging.

The girl I had been chasing ran and hide behind some older looking vamps. At first just two of them came rushing at me on each side. I quickly swung my machete, decapitating the one on my left. Then turning to the next one, I had it raised ready to repeat the same action. But he grabbed my hands, holding them above my head. I brought my knee up to his gut with as much force as I could, knocking the wind out of him. I took that split second he had loosened his grip one to break free from his grasp. Then I raised my weapon and took his head off with single quick slice.

By then five more had surrounded me. Before I could even begin to think how I was going to take them all out, one of them that was behind me knocked me in the back of the head with something extremely hard. That's when everything went black.

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair and a gag stuffed in my mouth. Then I noticed a searing pain in the side of my neck and warm liquid oozing down onto my collar. They had probably been feeding on me. I felt a little light headed and dizzy, most likely from blood loss. I looked around at the vampires that surrounded me and noticed two new faces. They were the ones Dean and Sam had been chasing.

Oh no. Where were my brothers? Those to vamps should have been dead. My brothers wouldn't just let them get away. What happened to them?

"Well look who's finally awake," sneered one of the vamps, I'm guessing their leader. He was tall and lanky build with scraggly brown hair and beard to match "It's the littlest Winchester. Everyone talks about your brothers, but no one seems to mention you."

He walked over to me, sliding the gag that covered my mouth down around my neck.

"What do you want with me, then?" I asked. "Why don't you just end me and be done with it? I know how much your kind hates people like me." My voice was dripping with venom.

"Patience, darling. We will soon enough," he told me. "But first we'll wait for your dear brothers to come rescue you and let you watch as we kill them slowly."

This disgusting creature sent shivers down my spine. I was absolutely terrified, not for myself but for my brothers. However I wouldn't t let this animal see my fear.

"How stupid can you be?" I laughed, trying to buy time. His face darkened.

"What could you possibly mean by that?" he growled.

"If you know who the Winchesters are, then you should know how stupid it is to mess with their family," I told him. "Besides, they wouldn't be dumb enough to just walk straight in here without a plan. All of you will be dead as soon as they set foot through that door."

"Your brothers may be good, but not good enough to take on all of us," he replied, jerking the gag back over my mouth before I could retort. Then he sunk his teeth into my neck on the same spot that had been sore. When he pulled back he wore a sick grin, my blood dripping off his chin.

Well it looks like I was right about them feeding in me. Ugh.

He walked away, going to flirt with the little blonde girl I had been chasing. I concentrate on trying to get these ropes loose, but they were too tight. I couldn't get to the blade in my boot. Even if I did, I wouldn't get away from all these vamps alive. I had no idea where my brothers were or what happened to them, so I couldn't rely on them. I was running out of options. Then a thought occurred to me. Someone who could be a big help. I can't believe I hadn't though of him before.


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