Vampire Hunt: Part 2

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*Imagine getting kidnapped by vampires and TFW having to save you.


He was the only one who could help me out of this mess. I had been taken by a big nest of about thirteen vampires. I had already take out two of them. They only captured me so they could get to my brothers, Dean and Sam.

Now desperate to find a way out, I decided to call upon our angel friend, Cas.

"Castiel, if you're listening, I need you," I prayed silently to Cas. "I've gotten myself into a bit of a mess. I was taken prisoner by some vamps who are looking for my brothers. They plan on killing all of us. Please, Cas, if you're there, I could really use some help. Please hurry."

Now I could only hope Cas heard me and came quickly, before anything really bad happened. There was nothing left that I could do except to try to work my way out of these ropes.

As I worked on my binds as discreetly possible, I noticed the smallest movement in the shadows behind some boxes. My eyes searched until they fell on a familiar face. Cas!

Before the vamps could see me looking, I turned away but snuck another glance at him. This time I saw Dean and Sam beside him. My brothers were alright! I kept my head down in fear of giving any hint to my captors as to what was going on.

Suddenly Cas appeared in front of one of the vamps, touching two fingers to his forehead. There was a flash and the vampire crumpled to the floor. Cas repeated this process seven more times.

At the same time, Dean and Sam were both fighting three vampires. Each. I noticed Dean was fighting the leader of the nest, along with the two we had originally been after. He made quick work of them, leaving the leader for last. I saw Dean give him a twisted grin before taking his head off.

When all of the vampires had been beheaded or taken out by angel grace, my brothers and the angel rushed to my side. Dean cut the ropes binding me to the chair while Sam removed the gag from my mouth.

"You guys don't know how happy I am to see you," I said weakly. I had definitely lost a lot of blood from them feeding on me.

"You okay?" Sam asked as he helped me out of the chair. Before I could reply, I felt my shaky legs give out from under me. Sam caught me before I fell to the ground and picked me up bridal style. I was starting to lose consciousness again.

"Y/N! Come on. Stay with me," I heard Sam saying to me. Then he directed toward Dean, "She's lost a lot of blood."

"Get her to the car. Now," Dean said urgently. I fought to stay awake. "Cas, can't you do something?"

"I... I can't. Fighting these vampires has weakened me," I heard him say with a hit of sadness in his voice. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."

Cas was my best friend. I knew he hated seeing me like this and not being able to do anything.

Followed by Dean and Cas, Sam carried me to the car and gently set me down in the back seat, then got in beside me. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders and gently checked my neck wound with his other hand. It wasn't bleeding anymore, but it still hurt like hell. Those stupid vampires had taken a lot out of me. Literally.

"Sammy..." I said weakly. I didn't know how much longer I could fight to stay awake.

"I'm right here, Y/N. I'm right here," he said softly. "I'm not going anywhere. Please just stay with me."

Before I could say anything else, I lost the battle with consciousness and felt myself slip into darkness.

When I woke up, I wasn't in the car anymore. I was alone in my room at the bunker. My entire body was sore. I reached a hand toward the wound on my neck and felt a bandage over it. I slowly sat up in bed, still feeling a little light-headed. Swinging my feet slowly off the side of the bed, I tried to stand.

As I shakily stood up, I noticed how hungry I was. So I started toward the door, intending on going to the kitchen. I had just opened the door and stepped into the hallway when I saw Sam coming toward my room. My face light up when I saw him.

"Y/N! You're finally awake," he smiled, walking my way. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I woke up and was hungry," I laughed, as he pulled me into a bear hug. When he let go, I clutched the door frame, feeling like I was about to topple over. He noticed this and quickly put an arm around my waist, helping me back to bed.

"You stay here and I'll bring you some food," he told me. I nodded and settled back into bed.

He wasn't gone long until he returned with a plate of some delicious looking pizza. Dean came in right behind him. I smiled brightly at him as he quickly crossed the room and sat on the side of my bed, wrapping me in a famous Dean Winchester hug.

"It's so good to see you awake," he says, pulling back. "Don't scare us like that agin!"

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Probably about twenty hours," Sam told me.

"Oh wow," was all I said.

Sam handed me the plate of food and sat on the other side of the bed. We spent the rest of the day like together. We talked, watched some movies, even played a couple of card games. I dominated in poker.

Throughout the day, I wondered what had become of Cas. I didn't dwell on it though. He was probably dealing with something going on in heaven.

Even though I had been sleeping for 20 hours straight, I was still exhausted by that night. So the boys left me so I could rest.

Before I drifted off to sleep though, I heard the quiet flutter of wings.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" I heard a deep familiar voice say.


I reach over and turn my lamp on, flooding the room with light. He was standing in front of my door.

"Hey, Cas. Yeah, I'm awake," I said, sitting up. I motioned for him to come sit beside me. He tentatively obeyed.

"I... I just wanted to make sure you were all right. Dean told me you woke up today. I asked to keep me informed on how you were," he said quietly.

"Well thanks, Cas," I smiled. "I'm doing great, thanks to you and the boys."

"I don't understand. I wasn't able to heal you. Why are you thanking me?" He asked confused.

"You saved my life. I know my brothers wouldn't have been able to take on all of those vamps by themselves. Without you, all three of us would have been dead," I assured him.

"I doubt that. You Winchesters have a habit of escaping death, no matter the circumstances," he replied. I chuckled. He wasn't wrong.

We were both quiet for a moment, then Cas stood up.

"I suppose I should leave you to get some rest now. I only wanted to make sure you were okay," he said awkwardly.

"Wait, Cas," I said suddenly. I wasn't sure why but I just felt better with him here. "Will stay with tonight?"

He seemed a bit taken aback by my question. Then he slowly nodded and sat back down on the bed. I scooted over, making room for him. He leaned back and I laid against his chest.

"Thank you, Cas," I said sleepily. With that, I fell asleep against the angel, resting better than I had in a long time.

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