Short Fuse

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A/N: This was written with the help of a good friend of mine, Lucy_Lighthearted . Hope you guys enjoy!

Sophie had been working with the Winchester boys for about 3 years now. They were her best friends, family even. They had saved her after her entire family had been killed by a werewolf. The boys had rushed in just in time to save her and kill the wolf. She didn't have anyone else left. So Sam and Dean offered to let her come with them. Of course she jumped at the chance to get away. So that was how she had been introduced to the world of the supernatural.

So now they were hunting what they believed to be a werewolf, but they didn't know this with certainty. There had been three killings so far. Each victim had a stab wound through the heart. Two things baffled the hunters though. One was the the wounds were star-shaped. The second thing was that the moon phase wasn't right for a werewolf to turn. This didn't disturb Sam and Dean very much because even though that was very unusual, it wasn't unheard of. So they thought maybe it was a werewolf with an astrology kink.

The boys and Sophie were researching, trying to figure out where it might be hiding so they could find it and gank it. As they were researching though, Sophie noticed something all the victims had in common.

"Hey guys, check this out. Maybe it wasn't a werewolf. All of the victims were fighting with someone before they were killed. So some kind of goddess, maybe?"

"Woah. You might be onto something there," Sam said, sitting up straighter. "Come on, let's keep digging. See what we can find."

So Sam kept digging while Dean lounged on the bed. Sophie alternated between helping Sam and watching tv with Dean. Soon Sam found out that the goddess, or whatever it was that was killing people, would probably be at the old library at the edge of town.

They were all exhausted so they decided that they would take it on the next day. Before they went to sleep though, Sophie noticed that Sam and Dean were annoying the crap out of each other. Well more than usual anyway. Sam would be absentmindedly be making little noises as he worked, like continuously clicking his pen or making little frustrated noises. Dean would have the tv too loud or be making little noises. These things weren't any big deal, but as each brother looked up in annoyance at the other, Sophie began to wonder what had gotten into them, but she didn't think much of it.

Finally just to keep the peace and avoid a fight, Sophie took Dean to go get some food. When they came back though, Sam was gone.

"Sammy?" Dean called out. No answer. He begins to freak out.

"Dean, take it easy." Sophie says in an attempt to calm the eldest Winchester down. "Look, I don't know what happened, but we're going to find him, alright?"

Dean takes a deep breath and nods. Dean searches the room, looking for any sign of what might have happened to Sam. Sophie went out side and look in the close area near their motel room, not wanting to stray too far away, just in case whatever took Sam was still around. After finding nothing, she went back to the room, only to find it empty.

"Dean?" She calls out, even though she knows the same thing that took Sam had probably taken Dean too.

"Shit." She says under her breath.

She doesn't know what else to do. So she decides to check out the library. She gets a few things, including a stake dipped in lamb's blood in case it was a goddess and silver bullets in case they were wrong about the werewolf. It couldn't hurt to be prepared. Then she set off.

She had to hot wire the Impala. Dean would be pissed that she was messing with his baby, but there wasn't any time to worry about that.

On her way to the library, Sophie got to thinking. Maybe it wasn't a goddess who took people who were fighting. Maybe she took people whobwere annoying. Sophie almost laughed at this, but the more she thought about it, the more sense it made.

As she arrived at the old library, she grimaced, looking up at it. It looked about a hundred years old on the outside. The brick was crumbling and ivy was stretching up the walls. Why did the monsters always have to choose these creepy ass places to hide out in?

She went around to the back door and quietly creeped in. She saw a woman in a beautiful light blue gown and three rather strange creatures that looked almost like a person, except they're skin was far too pale and their faces were extremely distorted. These must be the goddess's helpers.

As Sophie tried to sneak up to get a closer shot at the goddess, one of the helpers turned toward her and came at her. The other two followed right behind that one.

The three helpers all rush at Sophie. She runs the stake through the first, pulls it out and throws the body into the other two coming at her. This gives her enough time to stab the second one then the third one. Now it was down to just the goddess.

The godness already took Sam out, hard. Dean grabbed a book and tried to hit her with it, but she was incredibly fast. After she managed to get him on the floor, she brought her fingers closer to his chest in a beautiful star shape.

With her fingers hovering right above Dean's chest, Sophie pushes the stake through her back and into her heart. She falls to the ground, body going limp.

"Hasta lavista, bitch," Sophie said with a smirk. Dean coughed out some blood, only partly his own.

"Terminator? Really?"

Sophie rolled her eyes and helped Dean up.

"Go look after Sammy. I'm gonna clean up a bit before the librarian finds goddess sushi on the floor."

Dean smiled under pain and went over to look after his unconcioness little brother. Sam didn't react at the light slaps, but when Dean through a punch, his eyes snapped open.

"Dean? What happened?"

"Your asses just got saved by girl. That's what happened," Sophie said, as she dragged the body past them, out the back door.

When she came back in, Dean was helping Sam off the floor. She quickly went over to them, getting on the other side of Sam to help him walk. With Dean and Sophie on either side of Sam, they all made their at out to the Impala.

"One thing I still don't get," Sam declared while he got in the backseat.

"Why you have to sit in the backseat?" Sophie says, mocking. He gave her an annoyed glare.

"No. Why did the godness take us, we weren't even fighting."

"It wasn't a godness who killed you when you are fighting. It's a godness who smacked your asses for being annoying," Sophie told him.

"Oh and you're not annoying?" Dean questioned sarcastically.

"Apparently not," she laughed. "So how about we grab some food and then head back to the motel to crash."

The boys both agreed. So that's what they did, with an insane amount of teasing from Sophie as the boys groaned, but eventually started to laugh just a little.
"You're not going to let us forget this are you?" Dean said, like he already knew the answer.

"You got that right, buddy," Sophie smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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