Previously on Dimension Holders:
"I've got a surprise for you guys!" She pulled out three pairs of black gloves. "What are these?" I asked as we took them. "Your IS units!" We were put in a cage underground and Stone Warriors were surrounding it. "You'll have to go through me first." A female voice said. We turned around to see Madoka. "You're going to need all the luck you can get." She said.Now:
"Your gonna need all the luck you can get." Madoka said to us.Nya stepped up in front of us. "I don't need luck." She said. Her mech pulled out her sword and prepared for battle. Madoka smiled and summoned her IS. "You guys go on ahead, I'll take care of her." Nya told us. We nodded and ran off.
"So, a Samurai? Never thought I'd get to kill a Samurai."
"And you're not gonna get to!" Nya ran at her and Madoka pushed her down. Madoka took out her sword and swung it at Nya, but Nya blocked it with her sword. She kicked Madoka away and got up.
Nya ran to Madoka, picked her up and threw her across the Academy. Madoka activated her IS boosters in the air and flew back at Nya.
She put her arms out to grab Nya, and right as she was about to grab her, Nya activated her jet pack and flew up into the air. Madoka crashed to the ground and quickly got back up.
She stared at the Samurai Mech that was just sitting there. Madoka ripped out her sword again and flew at the mech. The grinning woman stabbed her sword through the Samurai Mech and began to laugh maniacally. Madoka looked inside to see no one was in the suit of armor. All there was was a beeping sound.
She tried to get a way from the mech but it exploded. Madoka fell to the ground, unconscious while Nya walked out from the school. "Like I said before, you won't be killing a samurai." She ran off to try to catch up to us.
Meanwhile we were attempting to dodge some of the Stone Warriors. "You'd think with a large school full of fighters, some of them would be nice enough to help us." Lloyd said throwing a stone warrior at a stone samurai.
"Have you located them Hunter?" Wu asked me.
I nodded. "There headed for the peak of the school. The crystal lies on the tippity top." A stone scout charged at me and I cut him in half.
"We must hurry. If the Destroyer gets that crystal shard, it will be the end of everything in existence." Garmadon said. He sounded a little nervous.
Lloyd ran up next to his dad and calmly spoke to him "Relax father. We will stop him. I'll make sure Hunter doesn't screw up killing him."
"Hey!" I yelled at him. Lloyd started to laugh, but his father was still worried. What if I did screw up, what then? We'd have an all powerful demon on our hands.
Nathan looked up and saw something moving up the school. "I've located them. They're really close to it."
Nya jumped in and knocked several stone warriors down with one of her boomerang type weapons. "Time is short. Lloyd take the ninja and stop them. We'll handle these losers."
Lloyd nodded and grabbed our arms as he made his golden dragon. "Up we go." he said. The dragon was moving fast, and we passed Squall and the Destroyer. Squall started shooting at us and ended up hitting Lloyd's dragon.
It screeched in pain and Lloyd looked at the area it was shot at, in panic. He lost his concentratin which caused his dragon to disappear which made us all fall and land on the roof of the school.
As we were getting up, something landed on the otherside of the roof. We were about two-hundred feet below the crystal. I got up and looked over to see Squall and the Destroyer. "Squall get them." The Destroyer ordered as he jumped off and ran towards the crystal while Squall dove at us.
She grabbed Lloyd with her IS' Scorpion Tail and both Nathan and I by our throats with her hands. Lloyd and I tried activating our IS units but they broke from the fall. The only IS unit that wasn't broken was Nathan's. He activated his IS and pushed Squall away from him.
"Hurry Nathan!" I yelled. "Get to the crystal and destroy it!" Nathan flew at the Destroyer and was shot with a beam from the Destroyer's staff.
"Foolish child. You can't stop me. You aren't even the Creator." Squall held up Lloyd and I. The Destroyer used his staff and made it so Nathan could not move. "Now watch, Water Ninja, as your friends are killed and finally out of my way!"
Squall started to crush Lloyd and I, and Nathan was in a panic frenzy now. He didn't know what to do. The Destroyer moved towards the crystal shard. Nathan now knew what he had to do. He unactived his IS, and was now able to move.
"Hey Squall!" He yelled. Squall looked at Nathan. "You look a little thirsty." Nathan closed his eyes and he started to glow. Lloyd and my eyes widened. Oh my First Spinjitzu Master, it's happening. Squall took a step back in terror and dropped Lloyd and I. Nathan's eyes opened and he became a energy form of water. "Don't you ever touch my family." He made a water orb and a larger water beam shot at Squall, destroying her IS and pushing her off the school.
The Destroyer watched as she fell. "Dang it." He mumbled.
Lloyd and I ran over to Nathan. "Holy cow!" I screamed. "My bro unlocked his True Potential!" We all gave each other high fives and then looked at the Destroyer.
"Lets end this" Lloyd said. He gave Nathan and I a look. We both nodded and got into position. The Destroyer used his staff and flew as fast as he could towards the crystal. Lloyd, Nathan and I called out our elements and shot our beams into each other creating an elemental orb.
"It needs to get bigger!" I yelled. The orb kept growing larger and larger. The Destroyer began to reach for the crystal.
"Now!" Lloyd yelled. The Orb went flying and hit the Destroyer before he grabbed the crystal. There was a large explosion and then silence. Nya and the Sensei stopped and looked up at the explosion. The Stone Army stopped moving and then fell to the ground.
The students who were still at the academy started to cheer for us six. We did it. Nya ran and hugged the Sensei. "They did it!" She cheered. Nathan, Lloyd and I were freaking out.
"We won!" Nathan cheered.
"No you didn't." A voice said. The smoke cleared to reveal that it was the Destroyer holding the third crystal shard. Everyone stopped cheering and the Stone Army got back up. People started to scream and run as the Stone Army started to grab people.
Nya and the Sensei watched in horror. "You save the people. I'm gonna go get back up!" Nya ran off and the Sensei tried to get as many people to safety as they could.
"Watch!" The Destroyer announced. "Watch as your hero's fall and a new era begins! Watch as good disappears! Watch as the Destroyer rises!" He slammed the third crystal shard into his staff.
The shards formed into one crystal and the Destroyer began to laugh maniacally. He dissapeared into a black power orb and all any of us could hear was his laugh. The Black orb exploded and darkness covered the whole country.
Something appeared out of that darkness, something evil. It looked like a demon. It had large teeth, wings and a very loud roar.
"Behold!" The creature yelled. "THE DESTROYER'S AWAKENING!"

Dimension Holders: Year of the Destroyer and Stone Army
AventuraEveryone knows about the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master and the Ninja. But no one cared to remember about the Creator. With the Creator dead and the Destroyer returning; it is up to 3 boys, Hunter the Ninja of Wind, Nathan the Ninja of Water, and Lloyd t...