ONE. 018

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(time skip!)

"Summer's ending..." Jungwon sighed softly, his lower lip jutting out into an unconscious pout. They were in Jay's room this time, huddled together as they sat in Jay's bed, watching a drama on the TV.

"Yeah," Jay ruffled Jungwon's hair. Though it felt like time flew by so fast, he still felt happy that he spent the entire summer with Jungwon, who also had quality time with his parents. The Park household even grew closer with Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo, Yoongi, and even the Kim household as the three families would gather for dinner every week.

"Dad's going back to Australia soon," Jungwon sadly frowned.

"Hey, it's okay~ Dad Yoongi will always call and text, mmhm? And I'll always be here for you, and so do my parents, and Sunoo and his family," Jay smiled to brighten up Jungwon's mood. The blonde wrapped his arms around Jungwon to a back-hug as the younger scooted closer to his lap. Jay rested his chin on Jungwon's broad shoulder. Skinship started becoming more natural to them.

"Mm. You're right," Jungwon chuckled and his fingers caressed Jay's hands. "We're like a big family now. Please accompany us to the airport, Seongie hyung. We should bid dad a small goodbye and 'a see you later', all four of us. He'd want that~"

"Of course, One," Jay smiled widely and hugged Jungwon more. "Anytime."


"Don't cry, it looks disgusting," Yoongi told Jake who was trying not to tear up. Jungwon immediately smirked. Sunoo sheepishly smiled and rubbed circles in Jake's back to calm his boyfriend.

"See you, dad! Please be safe," Jungwon hugged Yoongi tightly, while the adult only scrunched his nose but still ended up hugging Jungwon back.

"You too, Wonie," Yoongi said and broke the hug. He opened his arms out and initially, Jay and Sunoo both took turns to hug him. As Jay greeted Yoongi a safe departure back to Australia, Jungwon's father whispered in his ear. "Love requires trust and communication. Take care of my son. I trust you, Jay. You're a good man. Update me when you two start dating officially," Yoongi chuckled, "and thanks for putting up with Jungwon's shit."

"I heard the last part, dad!" Jungwon clicked his tongue, causing Yoongi to laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him, dad Yoongles," Jay smiled and broke from the hug, "I love your son, by the way," he spoke in a whisper, only audible enough for him and Yoongi to hear.

"I can tell," Yoongi snorted and then turned to Sunoo to also say stuff about Jake.

Jay went back to Jungwon's side and the younger slid his hand over Jay's, both of them intertwining their fingers.

Both loved the feeling of holding each other's hands. It felt like their hands fitted perfectly, as if they were sculpted to be together. After Jake hugged Yoongi, the older man soon bid them goodbye.


(time skip!)

"Jake hyung, can you drive me to Calling University?"

It had been months since summer ended. Classes eventually started again, and despite being busy, Jay continued picking Jungwon up with his Audi during some days, but that would be the only time they saw each other as both of them became busy.

However, Jay's texts became shorter. He calls Jungwon at least twice every week, though, but Jungwon still misses his presence.

"Alright!" Jake said and glanced at the clock. "It's already near 7pm, though. Jay's still there?"

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