LOVE. 022

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Three days passed since Jaywon went home from Jeju-do. Jungwon was laying down in his bed, with Maeumi laying on his chest as Jay left the shower. "I'm gonna go out again today, I have papers to do," Jay sighed softly, drying his wet hair with a towel.

"It's for the flight to Seattle, right?" Jungwon asked and Jay nodded.

"Yeah, honestly, I would bring you along, but you still have your last year of college," Jay pouted and leaned down to place a soft peck on Jungwon's lips. The younger smiled a bit and cupped Jay's cheeks.

"It's fine, really. You just have to be safe there, and we can visit you whenever we're free," Jungwon muttered.

"Mhhm. Till then, I'm going to miss you," Jay sighed, a hint of sadness being apparent on his face.

"We still have a month before you leave!" Jungwon laughed softly. "I'll be waiting for you, Seongie hyung. No matter how long it takes. Fighting, my future CEO!"

Jay smiled and pampered Jungwon with kisses. "Me too, One. I'll be waiting for you, too~ fighting, my future model."

It didn't take long before Jay left and Jungwon was alone in his bed, rubbing Maeumi's tummy. Jay had to go back to Seattle for his dad's company. He had to stay there for months before he could take over, after all, he was the only heir.

Jake graduated, too. In a few more weeks, he would be going back to Australia for the same reason as Jay. Daechwita served as their heirloom and Jake, being the one who wanted to take over the company since they were kids, would be studying in Australia, too.

Well, for Sunoo, he'll be staying with Jake and switching his studies.

As Jungwon sat up straight from his bed to reach for his phone, a sudden notification sound startled him. His thumb hovered to the email he received and he gasped out loud.


Jungwon stood up, surprised, his phone clutched in his hand as he squealed in happiness. "JAKE HYUNG!!!" Maeumi tilted his head and not long after, Jake ran to Jungwon's room.


Jungwon handed his phone to Jake and held on to his cheeks. "TAMED-DASHED AGENCY! I GOT IN!"

Jake gasped and hugged Jungwon as the two jumped around in excitement, relief, and happiness.

He got accepted to the modeling agency he applied since two years ago. It took him two years just to get accepted- he had various face-to-face and virtual interviews, passed multiple photoshoots, worked hard for. Tamed-Dashed (stream) was one of the biggest companies known in the modeling field. Though, it was Australia-based.

Until, the big smile on Jake's face slowly faltered when he read the rest of the email. "There's a temporary no dating policy in the contract, it says... and you have to leave Korea in three days to sign the contract."

"Oh," Jungwon furrowed his eyebrows, "pfft, it's just temporary. It says it's only for a month. I'm sure Jay hyung will understand."

Jake nodded his head, "mm, yeah, yeah."

A grin, once again, made its way to Jungwon's face as he hugged Maeumi. "Appa Jungwon got in, Maeum~!"


"Welcome home~," Jungwon said and wrapped his arms around Jay, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Hi, baby," Jay slightly smiled and ruffled Jungwon's hair. "You're in a good mood."

"Mhhm!" Jungwon grinned and stared at Jay. His smile slowly disappeared when he found the older only sighing and faintly smiling at him. "What's wrong?" Jungwon asked.

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