Abe x (Fem) Sea Monster

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A/N: Now I apologize ahead cause this one is really long and I was going to post in two parts, but with how I wrote it it just didn't seem right and decided to keep it all together. So @izzybee493 (the requester) and everyone else buckle up for some storytime!

Your P.O.V

You sat in front of your neighbor's computer in anticipation, the moment was finally here. The moment you'd been working tireless, endlessly, exhaustedly towards. After years of dedication, this slip of paper staring back at you from the desk top of the computer would be the final piece to the puzzle you'd putting together, that would get you into contact with the B.P.R.D. Or, the Bureau of Paranormal Defense for those finally opening their eyes to the government's secrets.

Some said that it was just a myth, another conspiracy theory created by crazy's; but you knew the truth. You knew what lurked in the dark, under the very eyes of the humans. How creatures veiled themselves and walked alongside mankind, remembering the times when they were the rulers of this world. You knew because you were one of them. Though to anyone else, you looked like any other human girl with flowing locks and beautiful skin. But as soon as water touched your skin, your true form of teal scales, bright pink ear fins and smooth scalp, were revealed. Your long legs merge together and turn into a blue fin, your soft fingers into sharp claws. The only thing that seemed to stay the same were your bright amber eyes, the only clear indicator you weren't human. Some called you a Sea Monster, a Skin Shifter, a Siren, but you preferred (Y/N).

Unlike other monsters and creatures around the world, you didn't have to hide who you really were, no one where you lived did. It had been common knowledge in the small coastal village of Cittadina, that sea monsters and many other creatures lived in the waters around the town built into the island. When the first inhabitants realized they had other neighbors and they didn't seem to mean any harm, they began to establish a relationship. That relationship grew to where your people openly began to walk on land to spend time with their human alliances and the humans discovered your people could shed their creature appearances. Instead of becoming fearful of what your ancestors could do and trying to destroy them (a response you noticed humans seem to have often), the villagers invited your people to live amongst them, becoming one community. And so it began the time where your people lived on land and in the water.

And you couldn't thank your ancestors more for making that decision since if they hadn't you would've never been at university, where you first learned about B.P.R.D. You had been on your way from the library, after pulling an all nighter studying and a magazine with the strangest form caught your attention. Two other students were debating amongst themselves if the picture was real or if the creature was just a prop, but you could tell it was real. After waiting for the conversation to heat up between the two, so you could slip the magazine away undetected, you were amazed to find inside a whole world that was still interested in what they considered children stories.

But what really caught your attention was multiple articles claiming the existence of a secret government organization that had a demonic being called Hellboy on their payroll. No one was sure what B.P.R.D's real role was, but multiple sightings of this Hellboy near strange and unexplained occurrences around the globe and certain high ranking officials always present at the same time made many theories. Also, the constant denial of this sector's existence stirred up even more accusations. You knew then and there, no matter how long it took or how you had to do it; you had to find a way to infiltrate and then demand a position in this organization.

You had always dreamed the rest of the world could live alongside their magical counterpart as your village did. In harmony, maybe not all the time but not like how things were now. Like you were just stories, when you were living breathing beings, with emotions and history and traditions and knowledge you could all pass on. Not to mention all the knowledge and experiences you could receive. The city where your school was located and your village had been the only places you'd ever been and you'd only gotten this far because your human friends had pushed you past your fears. Working with B.P.R.D could take you places you never dreamed of going.

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