May 2019
Zeek stood beside Mark in the Osprey, watching as Godzilla got closer and closer to land before he paused. In the distance, Zeek could see Ghidorah arching his necks back, the golden glow seen from his three throats as he was about to blast someone or something on the ground in front of it.
Godzilla seemingly took a deep breath, his dorsal plates grew brighter before he unleashed his nuclear breath, hitting Ghidorah in the torso and sending him tumbling back. Godzilla let out one roar, announcing his presence before letting out a second as he resumed walking. Jets soared past him and destroyers sailed beside him.
Godzilla and humans; battling the three headed devil as one. Never would Zeek have thought he would live to see this day. He wished his best friends were here to see this.
"Okay, we've zeroed in on the last ping from the ORCA. Fenway Park, dead ahead." Sam stated over the radio. "We'll lay cover fire to keep Ghidorah distracted."
"Copy that." Barnes acknowledged.
Godzilla made it to land, One foot lifted out of the water, setting down on train drenched ground and the other followed suit.
You better be watching, you two, thought Zeek. This is what we always theorized and it became true.
Zeek watched as the Argo flew in low to barrage Ghidorah with some missiles before banking and the jets behind it did the same. Ghidorah straightened up before looking at Godzilla, who charged. Ghidorah quickly did the same and, when they clashed, it caused a shockwave that made the osprey tremble slightly.
Then, Sam came on the radio again. "Okay guys, you need to find the ORCA, get Madison and get the hell out of there. Whatever Serizawa did to Godzilla worked a little too well. 'Cause he's about to explode like an atom bomb."
"Roger that." Barnes said as the Osprey drew closer and was lowering towards the park despite the two titans clashing right there. "Prepare for landing."
Godzilla threw Ghidorah, who skidded a few feet. Ghidorah snarled as he got up and as Godzilla began to walk towards the alien.
The light within the osprey went red as it began to land. There was a roar from Godzilla before the chopper jolted, as if being hit by Ghidorah's lightning, which it probably did.
The door dropped open and the first two soldiers were vaporized. Zeek tried not to think about it as he rushed out with everyone else into the rain, the ground trembling at each step the two creatures took. They were so close that he could almost see individual scales on Ghidorah's foot.
He looked up and saw the left head biting onto Godzilla's shoulder but Godzilla used his tail to smack the other's legs, pushing him away.
"Madison!" Mark suddenly yelled, voice trying to overpower the rain and the fighting monsters. Then, Godzilla had one of Ghidorah's heads on the ground, a clawed foot on the long neck, close to the head.
"I got something!" shouted Martinez. "Over here, check this out!"
Zeek and Mark began running, only pausing to duck as a yellow bolt struck too close for comfort. Mark got closer than Zeek, who was a few paces behind when he had to duck.
"I found the ORCA, sir, it looks pretty banged up. No sign of your daughter!"
Above them, Godzilla pushed Ghidorah back but the right head bit into his shoulder, the middle his neck and the left his left arm.
"She's not here!" Martinez said as they began to move towards the osprey. "We gotta get outta here!"
Before they could get any closer, Ghidorah's foot stepped on the osprey, making it explode and shrapnel going everywhere. The explosion caused everyone to fall back and Zeek landed on his back, now feeling pain in his left bicep and his right side.

History Shows Again and Again
FanfictionZachery "Zeek" Martin's time spent with MONARCH after the San Francisco Battle. Note: if you didn't see in the tags...yes Zeek's gay. I have an idea who he could get with but nothing concrete atm. Just wanna throw that out there for when it comes an...