Monthly Celebration #4 (Done)

78 20 105

Deadline: November 1, 2021 - 12:00 PM


Mechanics: All members who will be able to answer the given questions before the deadline will win the prize.

Rules: Members must comment inline.

Deadline: November 1, 2021 - 12:00 pm

Prizes: 8 votes

1. Anong favorite number mo sa electric fan?

2. Ano ang code mo?

3. Ano ang gusto mong storya na maiboto?

4. Ano ang nais mong sabihin sa admins ng book club?

5. Ano ang pangarap mo?


Mechanics: Members will comment their code inline with a number set. For example, ThenaMaganda__ chose (1-20), she will comment her username only once. She cannot comment to the other number sets. Each number set directs to a random prize.

Rules: Members must comment inline. Members must only comment once.

Prizes: Secret

○ (1-20)

○ (21-40)

○ (41-60)

○ (61-80)

○ (81-100)

- Admin MD

Aphrodite Book ClubTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon