Activity #5 (Done)

69 17 30

Note: It's Admin Shylymirose's birthday today.


Mechanics: Identify the answer for each question that is given. The members will be given a hint of the first letter of the answer. Three members with the highest scores will win the prizes. The question that is stated below is all about symbol in writing a sentence/story.

Rule: Members must send their answers to ModernDuchess.

Prizes: Certificate of Recognition, 15 votes.

Deadline: February 6, 2022 (12:00 pm)

1) It terminates an emphatic interjection, phrase or sentence.

Hint: E P (2 words)

2) It enclose numerals which confirm a written number in a text.

Hint: P (1 word)

3) It terminate sentences or sentence fragments that are neither interrogatory nor exclamatory.

Hint: P (1 word)

4) It marks an abrupt change or break in the continuity of a sentence.

Hint: D (1 word)

5) It indicates the omission of one or more sentences within a quoted passage or the omission of words at the end of a sentence by using four-spaced dots the last of which represent the period.
Hint: E (1 word)

6) It enclose a quotation within a quotation in conventional usage.

Hint: Q M (2 words)

7) It terminates a direct question.

Hint: QM (2 words)

8) Link's main clauses not joined by coordinating conjunction.

Hint: S (1 word)

9) It serves as a dividing line between in a sentence.

Hint: V (1 word)

10) It marks the separation or division of a word at the end of a line.

Hint: H (1 word)


About: Haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Haikus can be written for just about anything. There are haikus for humor, to raise social awareness, to evoke emotions, or to reminisce on the past. The idea of compression, though, remains the same. Haikus are a microcosm of a larger idea or feeling.

Mechanics: In this activity, members will create a haiku using the pattern 5-7-5. The topic is all about your passion in writing a story or experience in writing, a message that you want to tell to fellow writers but in a creative way. The 3 members who have the highest score will win the prizes.

Rule: Message ModernDuchess your entries.


Prizes for the winners: Badge, certificate, 10 votes and 3 comment in 10 chapters

Prizes for the members who participated: Certificate of Participation and 10 votes.

Deadline: February 6, 2021 (6:00 PM)

Originality: 30 points
Meaningful Content: 25 points
Following Patterns: 10 points
Accuracy and Relevance of the Topic: 15 points
Grammar and Spelling: 10 points
Total: 90 points

If you have concern or inquiries, comment down below.

- Admin SR

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