<Chapter Fifteen>

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"Hello? Oops crap, this is my recordin, um, hi, this is Lisa. I'm not around right now. I'm probably doing something important. Leave me a message and if I can figure this mail thing out I'll call you back..." Silence... "McKenzie, what button do I press?"

BEEP. Gotta love the woman.

"Mom, it's McKenzie. This is the first time I've ever heard your voicemail, and I'm a little worried. Call me back. Love you," I said into the phone, she would probably never know how to check it. She would most likely call me again tomorrow because the unopened voicemail envelope would drive her nuts.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I ran my hands over my face and down my legs. What if Clark went after my mother to get back at me, and he had been trying to call me all day to negotiate his terms of surrender?

What if it was too late and he already sucked her dry? Tears filled my eyes as I thought of every bad thing Clark could be doing to her. I jumped as my phone started to ring.


"Mother, why didn't you answer the phone? I've been worried sick!? What were you doing!?"

"Calm down, McKenzie, I was in the bathroom. Can't a woman have a moment to herself ever now and then?"

"So what's wrong then?"

"What do you mean, dear?"

"Mom, I had ten missed calls from you today,"

"Oh yeah, do you remember Ty Brandon? You went to homecoming with him in 9th grade. He had the biggest crush on you."

"Yeah, what about him?" I remembered him. How could I not, the guy was a fucking God; total heart breaker. I still didn't understand what this had to do with my mother's emergency.

"Well, he just got married. Can you believe that? He was such a brat. I'm still trying to find out who the sucker is that said yes to that miserable loser. His looks where the only thing I could think of for him to be able to keep that poor girl."

I felt my jaw drop. It was shocking to hear that Ty had gotten married, I was secretly holding hope for us to hook up again at our class reunion.

"Mom... I thought you were dead," I said softly, hoping to get the point across.

"Well, why would you think that?" She huffed.

"There's a killer out there, Mom!" I yelled.

"Oh, I know, but I'm protected. I bought some garlic, crosses and I even got some holy water," she replied, like it wouldn't matter if Clark broke the door down right now.

Kudos to her for solving the identity of the mysterious killer first, even though no one would know she was right except me. Everyone else would think she was crazy, like usual.

"Where did you find holy water?"

"Church, of course. They don't sell this crap at the drug store, McKenzie."

Honestly, I didn't even want to know if she asked or just stole the water. I couldn't decide which was worse.

I got off the phone with her soon after. I told her that I had an emergency with work and that I would be out of town for awhile. It sounded a bit silly, working for 911, to have an emergency at work, but she bought it.

Now I can go to sleep, I'd had a rough day. I fell asleep quickly and had a dream about Darien and his magical towel...



I almost fell out of the bed as I reached for the phone on the night stand.

"This had better be good," I answered, half asleep.

"Hello McKenzie," A male voice greeted me, causing a shock wave through my body. I dropped the phone onto the bed and tried to catch my breath. Pull it together, Kenz, you don't even know who's on the other side of the phone. Maybe Bob finally hit puberty and is just checking in to make sure your not dead. I slowly picked up my phone.

"Who is this?" I whispered into the receiver, feeling very proud of myself for having a voice at all.

"I think you already know who this is."

"Bob?" I prayed.

"What? No, guess again." he sounded like he was getting annoyed with me; that didn't take long.

"Ty?" I squeaked. Hopefully he changed his mind about his new wife.

"Are you kidding me? It's Clark!" You would think we were long lost friends having a conversation.

"What do you want, huh? I don't understand why you gotta chase me around like a creepy stalker. Dude, and what's up with the freaky hood? Do you think it makes you look cool, because it doesn't, it's kind of scary," I was rambling again.

Don't judge me, you don't know what you would say to some psycho when he calls and wakes you up till it happens.

"McKenzie, please shut up." he interrupted.

"Geez, ok you don't have to be so rude. Man, it must be a vampire thing to be so moody. You ever heard of double sided tape by chance?" I continued babbling. Maybe if I annoyed him enough he would give up and leave me alone.

"I have your friend here," he answered. My heart stopped, I know exactly who he was talking about.

"Oh, my god. You bastard, you better not touch one hair on her head." Immediately after I finished saying that, I wanted to take it back. It sounded like a cheesy line from a movie.

"You know what I want, so let's make a trade," he said.

"Tell me where and when,"

Sorry it's on the shorter side, next chapter will be longer!!
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