game one , knowledge or death ?

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She blinks with the sound of rain pitter pattering . It's glistening over the forestry she's made to see as she look ahead . It's raining . Would've been calming if the crickets in her mind didn't warn her for worst rather than better .

Izuku , huh . As she thought that , the guy on the other side , just calmly looks around , wondering if he really was in a movie or if this was just a dream . If it was in any way the latter then he might have just always had the mind he had always asked for .

The glitching of landscapes were really creative . Though he wonders if he can go through the forest or if it's just another image . He huffs and stands , walking along where he should and yawning as he could .

"That guy , sure is carefree ."

"Hey , can I just state whatever ?"

The one speaking and watching from above flinches at how he spoke at a time that matches and aligns as though he was answering her little comment . ". . . Just be sure that what statement you give is as much of a truth to your partner as it is to you ."

Izuku looks far across from where he stood to where he wished to walk to , letting a sigh settling peacefully down his throat , out to be with the outside air pressured down by the raindrops . Heavy and big .

She makes the requirements to pass the game so difficult to understand with how she speaks and all that but it's not as hard as much as any first reaction may beg to differ .

He just had to state 7 things about his partner . Be it things she does , things she likes , things she hates , whatever along those lines . It's just a ripoff of the game he often see youtubers play , "How well does my blahblah knows me ?" and there said blahblah is asked questions and are to give answer that should be the same as what the asker is expecting .

Just in this game , there's no question , the boundaries are as far wide as this forest . The only problem is , how much they know about each other and how much longer they got .

Now that he thinks about it , how does partners that starts off as strangers even win this round ? They do have a few minutes to spend together to walk to where this is but at that point there's almost just a few things to even notice about each other to reach the requirement of 7 to fill .

Maybe it depends on the circumstances of the partners ? But from what the textbooks have said , the red trial never shows any sort of handicap and starts of easy to then difficult . He still can't believe he had to read through a school textbook with full exams to 100 items that spoke of romantic paranormal shits that would've been acceptable if given and taught as a fairytale .

Who knew they were actually true .

And he wasn't also informed or with the slightest idea of this game having their lives at risk . However , the red trial's purpose is to rummage and see whether the two partners really can live a lifelong life together . Sucks for those that were stuck with partners that were just personality-masked . There's the hidden context that this death  could mean just their red string to lose it's knot but at the same time , they aren't so sure whether they actually die . It is said that the red string isn't really just connected to your wrist but also to your heart . Thus why most re-stringed feel more reborn than anything else .

And it'd also stain the red-string reputation if ever a stringed couple is unmatched , who knew what they do with their mismatch ? Though there's also them just using the use of memory-loss . There's many things  he can't be so sure about just yet . And that itself felt more tiring than the actual game .

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