Chapter 10 - successor?!?

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Currently writing this while self isolating cause my COVID test came out positive ✌️

"Successor ?!? W-what do you mean." I said trying to process what I'd just been told. "I mean I want you to take my quirk, of course you don't have to but I believe you are the best suited candidate." She said, a confident look on her face. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even wrap my head around what I'd just been told. All Might wanted to give me her quirk, it's got to be a joke, something like that isn't even possible. "I'm sure your confused, but I shall explain." She continued. "My quirk is one that has been passed down from generations of successors, it is called one for all." She said sternly looking me dead in the eyes. "One for all ? And y-you want me to inherit it ? I-I mean yes sure, of course I will, but what does any of this mean, inheriting a quirk, it's not even possible is it ?" I asked my head spinning from both confusion and pain. "I promise I shall explain this more fully later as I'm afraid I haven't a lot of time. A certain someone is wanting to see you after all." she replied, a grin forming on her face. "W-wait ! you can't just-" I started, but was cut off by the door shutting behind All Might. I really couldn't wrap my head around anything I'd just been told, even if inheriting a quirk is possible, I already have a quirk now. Can I possess more than one ?

BANG. The door suddenly slammed open, clashing against the wall as it was forcefully pushed open, making my head ring. "IZUKU !" a familiar voice called from the doorway, Ochaco. "Y-your arms.... they're burnt. I'm s-sorry" she continued, tears rolling down her cheek. It hurt seeing Uraraka so upset. She's usually always so upbeat and cheery so seeing tears in her eyes stung and made my chest hurt. "I-it's ok Uraraka, it's not your fault. I have no one to blame for me getting hurt than myself, for using my quirk past my bodies limit. However, I'd risk my body and health again if it means I can protect and save you again." The tears continued to stream down her cheeks as she looked at me, "b-but if I had been stronger I would've been able to escape myself, meaning you wouldnt have had to save me in the first place." she sniffled. Seeing her carrying all this blame killed me as I watched her struggle to forgive herself. "Ochaco please listen to me", I asked sitting up slightly, "I-I love you, so much that's it's ridiculous, so seeing you like this pains me. Please stop blaming yourself because none of this is your fault. I'm so proud of you and your performance today and if I could I'd give you a ginormous hug."

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