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Sam was unable to reply, instead he remained quiet

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Sam was unable to reply, instead he remained quiet. The action caused a small chuckle to leave Max's mouth.

"I didn't expect you to get shy like that, but it's cute." Max commented, pulling into the parking lot of a small pizza joint.

The small asian was the first to get out and practically ran to the door, wanting to hide himself away from Max. He wasn't use to someone flirting with him so openly, Elijah wasn't usually one to speak such sweet words to him.

Sam stood by the counter, waiting for someone to come to the front and take the order. He felt a hand lace with his, making him go and try to yank his hand away. "What are you doing?" Sam squealed out, when he realized that he was unable to escape Max's hand.

"You ran from me, I don't want you to do that again." Max said, swinging their hands back and forth as someone walked up to the counter.

"So sorry for making you wait, how can I help you?" She asked, smiling at the two.

The two looked at each other, before Max spoke up. "What do you want, baby?"

The word baby caused a pink tint to rise up on Sam's cheeks, "oh, um, one large pepperoni and what do you want?" Sam asked Max, looking over at the taller.

"And one large supreme."

Sam's face filled with disgust, "you eat that stuff?"

The comment made the lady behind the counter chuckle, tapping in the order, "that will be fifteen dollars and twenty six cents."

Max nodded, pulling out his card from his pocket and pushing it in the chip reader.

The lady smiled at the two, "you guys are such a cute couple."

"Oh we a-"

"Thank you." Max said, the lady nodded and went back to the kitchen.

Sam used his free hand to swat at Max, "we aren't dating!"

"She doesn't know that and it doesn't matter." Max made a 'tsk' sound, "you think too much."

The small asian pouted, making Max chuckle, before leading the two a booth, Max slid in first, dragging Sam beside him.

"How long have you and Eli been friends?" Max asked.

"Two years," Sam said, "well almost two years. We didn't start off as friends, in fact he tricked me into thinking he was a tutor to get in my pants. I decided to stay anyways." Sam said.

Max nodded, "why did you decide to stay?"

"He may have lied to me, but our friendship that we built wasn't fake, ya know?" Sam sighed, leaning hid head into Max's shoulder, "I didn't have many friends and Elijah was the first person to show interest in me. Which is funny, cause I was straight at the time, but Elijah is hot." Sam explained, "and is good at getting his way."

Max hummed, releasing his hold on Sam's hand to brush through the male's hair, "I won't be the one to tell you that you deserve better, because I am not going to tell you what you do and don't deserve. I'll just show you what I believe you deserve." Max smiled, removing his hand and leaning his head against Sam's.

"How?" Sam asked.

Max shook his head a bit, "by treating you in a way Elijah never has."

"What was is that?" Sam questioned again.

"With love."

Max sure did have a way of making Sam blush, because here the small asian male was, blushing at the words and quickly trying to find a way away from the person who was causing it.

"Uh, I think I should go check on the pizzas."

With that Sam promptly left the booth, leaving behind a giggling Max.

With that Sam promptly left the booth, leaving behind a giggling Max

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