Chapter 2

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First day of school. I practically jumped out of bed and had a spring in my step. I took a quick shower and got dress in some white skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with a baby blue sweatshirt and matching converse. I fishtailed my brunette hair , and put on my thick, black framed glasses.

Deciding I looked decent, I went downstairs and ate a quick breakfast. Giving my mum a kiss goodbye I left and walked to school since its close and it isn't cold out.

I put my earbuds and started some music. Blink-182 I Miss You was blaring through my head and rattled my brain as I walked.

The schoolgrounds were a buzz people here and there all asking about each others summer. The song switched to All the Small Things, as I briskly walked to the library. My favorite place in the whole school.

After browsing shelve after shelve. I picked and interesting one and checked it out. Walked into the schools courtyard that is just behind the library. I sat under the oak tree and waited for Tori and Luke. They are twins and my best friends. Tori is average height and weight, with long curly blonde hair, freckles on her pale skin and crystal blue eyes. I swear her eyes are prettier than an ocean itself. Luke is taller than most, with dirty blonde locks that are swept over his forehead. He has emerald green eyes, and freackles on his equally pale skin.

I open my book and start to read. With a calming breeze blowing by here and there as I get more and more emersed into the plot. I heard giggle come from around the corner of the school and knew it was Tori. They came racing around the school with Tori on Luke's back. They skidded to a stop in a fit of laughter as they fell over holding they stomachs.

I stood up and made my way over to where they were laying on the ground still laughing.

"Well this is certainly the weirdest hello I have ever gotten." I said adjusting my back pack.

"Oh Lucy you missed it. You should have been there!" Tori said out of breath "I wish you could have seen that?"

"Seen what?" I said helping her up

"So there is this new kid, and he was riding our bus. When we got off he asked if Lu and I were dating!!" Tori says to me

"The we started laughing so hard. So I said if we were I couldn't do this. And I flicked her nose." Luke said just recovering from his giggle fit

"So I chased after that boy, and tackled him but he caught me on his back just perfectly for a piggyback ride." Tori said glaring playfully at her brother

"Since I had her on my back I pretended to be a horse and we ran back past this guy and so I neighed at him and ran off with Tori on my back." Luke finished now standing with Tori and I.

"Oh jeez you guys. You are so freaking weird." I sighied and sat back under the tree wait for the bell to ring, and school to begin.

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