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"Again" The 12 year old boy says to the little girl who has already fallen and hurt herself

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"Again" The 12 year old boy says to the little girl who has already fallen and hurt herself.

He had to train her. It was the only way she could survive in the orphanage when they were not around to protect her.

"But it hurts and I'm tired" she says with a huff, angry at the fact that she got a scratch on her knee.

"Come on Kam, it's for your own protection" he tries to reason with her. She can be a little stubborn at times but that's just what he loved so much about her. Her little rebellious attitude.

"Why doesn't Luca have to train" she says pointing to the other boy who is sitting crossed legged watching the scene play out in front of him.

"Because he already knows how to protect himself" Theo says with his hand outstretched to her. She huffs one more time before taking his hand and getting into a fighting stance.

She knows not to question him any further.The two boys know a lot of stuff and she trusts them enough to not question.

(Little time skip)

"Hurry up. The song releases soon" Luca whisper yells waiting for Kamryn to put on her jacket. He stands watch by the door just in case someone comes in. 

NF drops a new song in a couple of minutes and they don't want to miss it. Theo is in charge of getting a phone so they can listen to the song and Luca has the job of making sure Kamryn gets out without a scratch.

The last time they were caught sneaking out it didn't end well for any of them. Especially her.

She finishes and they both sneak out being careful to not draw any attention to themselves. They run until they reach where Theo stands and they immediately smile at each other.

"Did you get it?" Kamryn asks with excitement laced in her tone. Even though it's wrong to take stuff without permission, this is an urgent matter.

"Do I ever disappoint?" Theo asks with a smirk on his face as he pulls out the phone from his back pocket. They all chuckle at that.

Five minutes later the song begins to play in the background as they all lay down on the grass staring at the stars.

Yeah, when I grow up, you know what I wanna be?
Take a seat, let me tell you my ridiculous dreams.

The song keeps playing while all three listen. Listening to the lyrics that seems to touch their souls.

NF is an underrated rapper

I understand you gotta crawl before you get to your feet.But I been running for a while, they ain't ready for me.

The words that they seem to understand clearly.

The underdog, yeah, you probably think you know what I mean. But what I'm saying is they ever push me, I'm gonna swing.

His music is like an escape for them.

Everything I see is overdone to me, I'm not Adele
But I'ma get a record deal and say hello to mass appeal.

Like a drug they can't stop overdosing on

When I grow up, I just want to pay my bills

The world seems to vanish with every word he speaks

Maybe buy a house up in the hills, oh yeah. Might not be the best in my field. But I guarantee that I'ma die real. When I grow up.

The song plays on repeat for a while longer before Theo sits up and speak.

"When I grow up, I'm going to be the most powerful man in the world " he says with so much determination in his tone that they can't help but smile. So that I'll be able to protect you both.

"I am going to be the most successful businessman" Luca says and also sits up.

"I am going to be a writer" Kamryn says but continues to lay down still staring at the stars wondering if her dreams will ever come true.

"Like a story book?" Luca asks with his head tilted towards her

"Mm. I'm going to be the best known writer in the world" she replies with a huge smile on her face and finally sits up.

"I got us something" Theo says bringing out something from his pocket.

Three round shaped necklaces with a pinky promise hand gestures engraved in each one.

"The man I got it from said these are the only three in the whole world" he says and hands one to each of them.

"A promise to never forget and protect each other" Luca says with a smile and they all put it around their necks promising to never take it off.

"Forever" Kamryn whispers as they all come in for a group hug.


Do you have a best friend or best friends?

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Do you have a best friend or best friends?

I had a best friend once when I was a kid but she died of cancer when we were 10 and I haven't gotten a best friend since. It just doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm replacing her.

We should come up with a name for this trio. I feel like their friendship will be the best.

Anyways until next chapter BYEEEEEEEEE

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