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I can't see

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I can't see. The smoke is too heavy. I cough out and cover my mouth and nose trying to not breath it in but that doesn't seem to help.

"I can't get out" her helpless cries fill the air as she tries to get out of the room.

I wouldn't call it a room, more like a cell. They locked her in there as punishment because she ate a piece of bread and got caught and now there's a fire.

She starts coughing and I start panicking.

"I'm coming hang on" I say reassuringly as Luca and I try to get the door open but it won't budge. Tears begin to form in my eyes as the smoke gets heavier.

Everyone else has been evacuated. No one stayed back to help. Not even those who work here. Then again they never really cared about us.

I'm sure they were the first to get out.

"Help, I can't breathe. Please help me" Kamryn screams from the other side of the door and I can't help the feeling of my heart break hearing her sound so scared and helpless.

Helpless and scared is how I feel too.

"Go get help" I say to Luca who looks hesitant for a moment before running to get help.

"Theo I'm scared" she says in a soft voice and I can't stop the tears that escape my eyes imagining the helpless look on her face.

"I know baby,I'll get you out. I promise" I say reassuringly.


The simple word holding so much meaning and truth but we all know promises are always meant to be broken.

I run out of the building making sure to mind the fire and make my way outside. I see Luca trying to get the teachers attention but she just shrugs him off.

Taking in the fresh breathe of air I ran towards them and without thinking pull the keys from her hands and run back towards the door, but as I reach the stairs the whole building blows up and I'm thrown back from the impact.

I wake up gasping for air. This dream again. I wouldn't call it a dream since it's an actual memory that I can't seem to forget.

It's been years since that incident but the memories of it still haunts me.

A sigh escapes my lips as I lay back down staring at the ceiling wondering how everything would be if she was still alive. If she was still here with me.

Closing my eyes I try to go back to sleep but I can't so I decide to workout instead. Making my way to my closet I put on my workout clothes and go to the gym in my house.

I don't know how long I stayed here punching the shit out of the punching bag but I'm brought back to reality when I hear my name being called.

"Damn man your knuckles are dripping" Luca says as he makes his way towards me and hands me a towel.

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