Chapter 7

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Good morning Jason. Good morning Chanel. Jason... Can I tell you something? Of course you can. Well.. Let's just say, I know Abigal. You mean you knew her? No, I know her, because..... I am.... Her. No you are not, if you were her, than tell me a secret I told her. Oh OK. Um.. Your first dance was with your mom. That was a lucky guess. How about, who was my first girl friend. Easy, it was Tina Turner. Oh my god, it is you Abigal. But how??? Its a long story. Oh, well Abi, I mean Chanel, can I tell you something? Well duh! Oh OK, here it goes... I'm Connor Franta. OMG!!!! Really?!!! Yeah. That's awesome! Yep, I guess we both have secrets. *thoughts: wait.. I went on a date with Connor franta, bye, bye, number 96.*

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