Tony's Secret

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It had been hard for everyone on team Gibbs; for very special agent Antony DiNozzo it was a day that went from bad to worse.

Tony had woken up in bed alone again, only to realise it had been three years since Ziva and Talia had been taken, three years since he was able to hold his wife and daughter. He knew that the person who had organised for them to be taken was his father-in-law, Director Eli David of mossad; he also knew that Director David did this to take his daughter and granddaughter away from everything American.

Eli David belied that living in America had caused his daughter to rebel against him and forget her duty to her country and her family. In Eli's mind, Ziva was meant to marry a respectable Mossad agent and carry on the bloodline of the next generations Mossad assassins. Her father told her to marry out of duty, not for love; because of this, Eli was enraged to find out that Ziva planned to stay in America and marry an arrogant American man; even worse, she was pregnant and about to have a child with this man.

Ziva had always known that this could happen; when she first fell pregnant with Talia, she wrote a letter to tony explaining what had happened and that they would always love him. When tony first read the letter, he started to break down in tears, and he hasn't been the same since. Every couple of months, they might be able to call each other or face time when Eli is out of Israel on business, but this is very rare, so when it does happen, they must be as quick as possible cause they never know who might be listening to their conversations.

Tony's co-workers didn't know about Ziva and Talia as it was too painful for tony to talk about; instead, he made out like he lived a playboy lifestyle with a different woman every night. It was almost laughable how far from the truth these stories were.

Tony was sitting at his desk, a lot quieter than usual; his teammates (Catlin Todd and Timothy McGee) were starting to get worried about him as he had hardly made any jokes at McGee's essence or earnt a head slap from Gibbs.

They got called out onto a case of a dead marine who had several guns shot wounds to the chest. The team was having a hard time finding out who the killer was. Suddenly Tim found a lead in the victim's phone that linked him to an operation that was working on getting information from a terrorist organisation and had called on the wrong side of Mossad.

After some more digging by Abby and Tim, they managed to link the gun back to Ari David. This revelation shocked tony as he automatically recognised the person on the screen as his brother-in-law.

After a long afternoon of trying to track Ari down and him only just missing hitting Cait with a bullet, they get a report from Gibbs telling them that Ari was at his house. When the team reached Gibbs' house, Ari was shot and lying dead on the basement stairs. They knew that Gibbs hadn't shot Ari, but they weren't sure who had as there was no one else in the room, so they let it go and would ask the relevant questions back at the navy yard.

Once they had returned to the navy yard, Tony was sent down to Abby's lab as days like this can often be emotionally taxing on the young scientist. As he was down in the lab talking to Abby, Gibbs walked into the bullpen with a woman who none of them knew and a little girl.

"Ziva, why doesn't Talia go and sit at the empty desk whilst we go and talk to the director." Gibbs quietly suggested to The Israeli woman.

"Tali, go sit at that desk but don't touch anything and either do some of your colourings or read your book," Ziva told her daughter.

"Yes, Imma."

"McGee, Cait watch Talia whilst me, and Ziva go and talk to the director", Gibbs commanded his team.

"Of course, boss", They both replied.

Talia sat at DiNozzos desk and read her book, and Gibbs took Ziva up to speak to Director Jenny Shepard.

After they had gone upstairs, McGee and Cait tried to talk to Talia but discovered that she said very little and when she did, she mainly spoke in what they recognised to be Hebrew, but neither of them understood enough to know what she was saying.

Tony exited the lift and entered the bullpen to find Tim and Cait stud around his desk, trying to talk to whoever was sitting at his desk.

"Who are you talking too Mcgoo?" Tony asked, trying his best not to seem as down as he felt. Tim and Cait quickly turned round at Tony's voice.

"Gibbs has gone up to see jenny with this little girl's mother; I believe she's the person who is responsible for killing Ari in Gibbs basement," McGee told tony.

"Her name is...." Cait started as both she and McGee moved to give tony a clearer view of the person currently occupying his desk.

"Talia", Tony finished for her, ignoring the shocked looks on his teammates, both wondering how Tony knew the girl at his desk. Talia looked up as she heard her name being spoken by a new voice, a voice that she recognised as her fathers.

"Abba", Talia shouted as she jumped out of the chair, round the desk and into his arms.

"Tali", Tony Whispered to his daughter, nearly in tears. "I have missed you so much, baby girl".

"I've missed you too, Abba".

Tim and Cait stood there in shock at the display before them, they might know a lot of Hebrew, but they know enough to know that Abba meant Dad. As the team watched them, father and daughter reunite, Gibbs and Ziva were coming back down the stairs from the director's office.

At the sound of them entering the bullpen, Talia's head popped up from Tony's chest to see her Imma return.

"Imma, Imma." Talia shouted excitedly, "Abba is here". As Talia was telling her Imma, Tony looked up to meet a pair of brown eyes that he hadn't seen in 4 years looking back at him. Before Ziva knew what was happening, she was being pulled into an embrace by tony, who held onto her like she would disappear If he let go.

"I can't believe that you're here; I've missed you so much," Tony said in tears.

"I missed you to Tony", Ziva replied, also in tears. As they stud there in each other's embrace, they felt a small body wrap their arms around their legs; knowing that it was Talia, Tony bent down to pick her up so she could join in with her parent's hug, happy to finally have both her parents at the same time.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs shouted after leaving the two to reunite for a bit. "Explain."

"Right, yes, of course, boss," Tony said nervously. "Everyone, this is my wife Ziva David-DiNozzo and our daughter Talia David-DiNozzo; they were both taken from me four years ago by Zi's father Eli David as he doesn't agree with our relationship."

"That's terrible, Tony", Cait sympathised, while McGee stood there unable to say anything as everything he thought he knew about his friends love life was a lie.

"Ziva, Tali, this Caitlin Todd and Timothy McGee, the other agents on my team, and you've already met the boss man Gibbs," Tony said as he introduced his family to his co-workers.

After Ziva was introduced to the whole team, including Abby, Ducky and Jimmy and some of the many questions the couple had for tony were answered, Ziva shared all the information she knew about the link between the victim and her half-brother. Gibbs sent his team home to rest after a busy day. Once the DiNozzo family were back at their house, Tony asked the all-important question.

"When do you have to return to Israel?"

"Never", Ziva answered happily. "I told my father that if I were to come on this mission, I would be stopping in America with you, and there was nothing he could do to stop it or get me back. I'm also transferring to NCIS and will be working with you on Gibbs team." Tony didn't think he could be any happier than he was at this moment with both his wife and daughter by his side, Back where they belonged and where they were going to stay. 

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