iii. deja vu

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At the end of Eloise's fourth year, Remus and her moved out from the little cottage where they lived to Grimmauld place, whose interior mirrored Eloise's personality.

They spent a week cleaning it and getting rid of all the different creatures living there.

Yeah, not the best summer in Eloise's opinion, but she had the opportunity to see Regulus' bedroom in hope she would find more information about him and her task.

She stayed in her bedroom almost everyday, getting out of it only for lunch and dinner.

Sirius grew more suspicious about her and that of course led to heated arguments.

Once, she was writing in her journal all the information she had found in her father's bedroom when suddenly Sirius entered her room without warning. She was quick to close the journal and hide it, but Sirius noticed it.

"What are you hiding?Why are you always in this room!" Sirius yelled annoyed at her.

"What the hell, mind your own business you old man!".

"I'm not old! I'm still as beautiful and charming as always", he scoffed, convinced of it.

"Feed your own ego. I'm busy here, if you haven't noticed", Eloise replied annoyed.

"Busy doing what?!"

"MY fucking business! Why do you care so much!"

"You're just like your father"; he muttered, thinking she couldn't hear him.

"And I'm happy about that. Just thinking that I could have even resembled you makes me gag".

"Happy?! Your father was just a selfish piece of shit!"

"Selfish?How can you say he was selfish? You were the one who abandoned him! You were the one who replaced him. He stayed and suffered the consequences you should have faced!"

"You know nothing about it!"

"Oh, I know a lot more than you think, trust me".

They were both raging, but Eloise didn't think for one second to back off.

"No wonder he didn't follow you. I would have done the same"

"Then leave!" he yelled extremely loud.

They stared at each other for long seconds, until Eloise stood up and began packing.

"Hey, no, no, that wasn't what I meant...", Sirius said, trying to stop her, but she was already closing her bag.

"I was already thinking of leaving, but now you made it official. Of course you meant it. Since I was a child you didn't want anything to do with me, and now you confirmed it again".

"You were a disappointment to your parents, and they made you aware of it physically, so you left. Doesn't this give you some sort of deja vu?" she said to him, before taking her bag and going downstairs.

Without even sparing a glance to Remus, she went to the fireplace and used the Floo-Network to get out of that damn house, just like Sirius did.

Remus looked at a teary-eyed Sirius, shaking his head and sighing.

A deep silence took cover of Grimmauld place, masking all the screams and fears that had been shouted there, until Sirius said something he should have considered before.

"Now it felt exactly as if leaving that day was Regulus and not me".

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