Running away

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No One POV

Running away, also known as absconding or eloping, is the act of leaving a situation, place, or person without any notice or intention to return. Running away can have numerous consequences and implications depending on the circumstances and reasons behind the act.


Immediately following the conclusion of the coronation ceremony, Taylor was approached by a palace guard who had an important message from her father. Filled with anticipation, she eagerly opened the letter and carefully read its contents. The message contained heartfelt congratulations on her friend's coronation and expressed her father's pride in Elsa's accomplishments. Overwhelmed with emotion, Taylor quickly composed a reply, expressing her gratitude and excitement for the future.

At that moment, Taylor's mind was racing with a mix of joy, pride, and curiosity. The coronation ceremony had been a grand affair, filled with regal splendor and attended by dignitaries from far and wide. As one of Elsa's closest friends, Taylor had been honored to witness the historic event firsthand.

The palace guard who approached her was a tall, stoic figure dressed in the royal livery. His presence commanded respect, and Taylor could sense the gravity of the message he carried. She could hardly contain her excitement as she took the letter from his outstretched hand.

With trembling hands, Taylor carefully unfolded the parchment and began to read. The words on the page were filled with warmth and affection, a testament to her father's love for both her and Elsa. He praised Elsa's grace and poise during the ceremony, remarking on how she had carried herself with dignity befitting a queen.

As Taylor continued to read, tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her friend's accomplishments. Elsa had always been a source of inspiration for Taylor, and seeing her ascend to the throne was a momentous occasion.

The letter also contained words of encouragement for Taylor herself. Her father expressed his belief in her abilities and urged her to continue pursuing her own dreams and aspirations. He reminded her that she too had the potential for greatness, just like Elsa.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Taylor knew she had to respond immediately. She wanted to convey her gratitude and excitement for the future, to let her father know just how much his words meant to her. With a determined resolve, she sat down at a nearby desk and began to compose her reply.

Her words flowed effortlessly onto the page, a testament to the depth of her emotions. She thanked her father for his unwavering support and expressed her pride in Elsa's achievements. Taylor also shared her own dreams and aspirations, vowing to work hard and make a difference in the world.

As she finished writing, Taylor sealed the letter with a wax stamp bearing the royal crest. She handed it back to the palace guard, who nodded approvingly before taking his leave. Taylor watched him disappear into the bustling corridors of the palace, feeling a sense of fulfillment and anticipation for what lay ahead.

After Taylor had sent the letter, she proceeded towards the grand ballroom where the festivities were already in full swing. The room was adorned with an array of magnificent decorations, including sparkling chandeliers and vibrant floral arrangements. The atmosphere was alive with the sounds of laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses as guests danced and reveled in the joyous occasion.

However, amidst all the revelry and merriment, there was one figure who stood out from the rest - Elsa, the newly anointed queen. While everyone else seemed to be fully immersed in the festivities, Elsa appeared distant and detached. Her regal presence commanded attention, but there was a subtle hint of sadness in her eyes that couldn't be ignored.

Taylor approached Elsa with a gentle and warm smile, positioning herself in front of her longtime companion. Her eyes were filled with curiosity as she addressed the queen with a touch of playfulness, saying, "Your Majesty, may I humbly inquire as to why your resplendent presence is not fully engaging in the festivities?"

Elsa, who had recently ascended to the throne, reciprocated Taylor's smile with one of her own. With practiced elegance, she responded succinctly, "I don't dance."

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