Chapter 1

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"You ready?"  Dave asked as he watched the men standing in the studio around the microphone.  Brian, Roger and Freddie all wore headphones and were preparing to do another round of backup vocals for Freddie's new single.

"Whenever you are..."  Freddie responded.  Brian gripped the earpieces of his headphones. Still not used to wearing them.  Dave started the track up and they all waited for their cue to begin singing.

"Look at your Daddy and Uncles..."  Deacy said quietly to his daughter as he held her up to see them through the control booth window.  He balanced Asha on her tiny feet and she gazed with wonder at the sight of the men standing closely together. Providing beautiful harmonies as the track played for them.

"This is going to be a hit!"  Dave remarked to Deacy as they all watched the magic taking place inside the studio.  Deacy smiled.  Part of him wished he was a musician and performer like the other three, but he found great satisfaction in being a parent and a magazine editor.  Two occupations he never imagined having in his life.  

"It is!"  Deacy agreed as he helped Asha bob up and down like she was dancing.  A giggle escaping her as the music played.  He glanced over at the clock on the wall and knew he couldn't delay any longer.  "I've got to go...can you let Freddie know I will see him at the office?"  Deacy said as he managed to keep hold of Asha and stood up from his chair.  

"No problem..."  Dave said as he smiled at adorable baby girl.  "Bye bye Asha!" he said sweetly as Deacy expertly placed her on his hip and grabbed the baby bag.   

"Say bye bye..."  Deacy told his daughter as he headed for the door.   "See you at the party..."  Deacy told the sound engineer.

"Yeah!  See you there!"  Dave said as he refocused on the men singing in his recording booth.

Deacy walked out of the studio and straight to the waiting car.  He got in the back and placed Asha in her car seat as the driver switched on the engine.

"She's all set..."  Deacy confirmed after securing his daughter and reaching for his own seat belt.  Being extra cautious these days.  The driver pulled out and headed towards his employer's office.


"Gentleman!  We have a hit on our hands!"  Freddie proclaimed as he clapped his hands together and smiled merrily at his fellow performers.  Roger and Brian shared equally enthused expressions.

"It's really good..."  Brian agreed after hearing the final version with the added backing vocals. 

"It is..."  Roger chimed in. Freddie took a drink and leaned back in his chair in the control booth.  Almost smug at the results of their final session today.

"Dave...we just need to get this mixed and I think we can schedule a courier to pick it up..."  Roger instructed.  Dave nodded and made some notes on the tape box.

"It's a shame Deaks couldn't stick around for the final listen..."  Brian lamented.  Freddie nodded agreement.

"He had to do a final review of the layout for the magazine..."  Freddie advised.  "The deadline is tonight so it will go to the printers..."  he explained and formed a smile.  "I can't wait to see this issue on the newsstands..."  Freddie said with delight.   "The first gay wedding issue from any publication..."  he said proudly.  He smiled at his friends.  "And you two on the cover!" he exclaimed.  The men beamed at him.

"It feels surreal..."  Brian remarked.  Roger gave him a curious look.

"What does?"  Roger questioned.  "Being on the cover or being married?"  he asked. 

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