all the ways a guy can fuck up

569 6 8

October 17th 2021

As I crawled out of my bed, grabbed my phone, and got right back in, I was attacked by 15 missed messages.

A solid 13 of them being from none other than Jake Wheeler. I loved Jake, he was my best friend, my soulmate, the best guy ever, but he was a horrendous texter.



-Sorry. Autocorrect

- i think i'll start typing in lowercase

-i got a new doll




-u up????????????


-its 3


-sleep tight

Like I said, I loved the guy.

I got out of my texts with Jake and looked at the rest. Two from Oliver. 

I had to remind myself why on earth I ever chose to date him. He was sweet 99% of the time don't get me wrong. He was just so Oliver.

Jake always reminds me of how "Oliver" he could be. And how I should break up with him. 

I knew I should break up with him but I just couldn't. We've been dating for 4 months and it's been awful. 

There was a period in September where he would give me hugs everyday and do anything for me. I'm starting to understand it was just him being bipolar. I didn't like his friends either. I hated Lexy the most though. A bully and a bitch, she was. Made fun of Jake every chance she got when he's never done a thing to her. Devon was the best friend he had. Jake was utterly and completely obsessed with Devon anyways. He ran a podcast about true crime, the one Jake always had on. It creeped me out how much he knew about the topic but I never said anything. Junior was ok. He was Jakes cousin and enemy. The two hated each other. I understood why though. They were polar opposites in the worst way possible. Junior was dating nobody but Lexy Cross herself. I honestly felt bad for the poor guy after I saw Lexy kissing a boy named Evan from science class behind the bleachers.

------------- Oliver <3 ------------------

- hey we still walking to school?

- devon too :)

I closed out of my phone and climbed out of bed. 


"Hey Lydia!" I hear Oliver call out as I approached him. Some things were nice about Oliver. I liked how he smelled like fresh flowers and strawberries. I liked how he dressed, some of the time.

"Hey Oliver", I said with a huge smile, "Hey Devon" I plastered on the smile once more.

Oliver pulled me in for a hug, I liked his hugs too. They were warm and comforting, mostly. It was like hugging a teddy bear. His arms wrapped around my torso as he kissed my lips. 

His mouth tasted like mint and his lips were slightly chapped but he had vaseline on.

Today Oliver wore blue jeans and a blue pullover with Nike sneakers, pretty much what he always wore.

Devon was dressed in jeans and a long sleeve. Also what he always wore.

Most of the walk to school was silence, Oliver held my hand part of the way though. 

There was something missing. Someone missing. 


When we got to school, I arrived at my locker in the spot right next to Jakes. I felt bad for leaving him on read all night and then just ditching him. 

"Hey!", I said with a real smile plastered on. I noticed the boy holding a medium sized good guy doll. He was trying to shove it into his locker.

"Whats the doll?", I laughed watching him try to fit it into his locker. Now oliver had his arms around my waist and Devon was standing closer to Jake. 

"Found it at a yard sale, I'm thinking of using it for my sculpture"

Jake had been working on this huge ass sculpture for a few months now. I didn't really know what it would end up being but it was important to him so thats all that matters. He was really into art and anything like that, his dad couldn't afford, well didn't care enough, to pay for art camp so my family did almost every year. I always felt bad for his living situation, his dad sucked and his mom was dead. I knew he cared about it more than he acted like he did.

I was listening to Jake go on about his weekend when Lexy and Junior approached behind us. The poor guy still didn't know about Lexy and Evan. Bummer.

"Lydia!!" , she pulled me in for a hug taking me away from Oliver. The fakest hug i'd ever felt. I flashed a smile at her, took Jakes arm, and left to god knows where i'd go.


Tysm for reading this omg! Im so excited for episode 6 tomorrow night and I promise i'll try to update again tomorrow, school is kicking my ass.

Please comment and follow :))

Also I'm thinking of starting an imagines thing, please let me know what series and if I should lol

I hope you all sleep well xx

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