Jakes dad was dead.
On a chilly fall night, Jakes last parent was electrocuted. The same fall night where everything went completely wrong.
The police ushered me out that night and I knew I wouldn't be hearing from him over the weekend. I didn't know when I would hear from him. He lost his last parent ever, his last one. I felt horrible for the boy, he was my best friend and it hurt to see him like he was last night. The tears streaming down his pale face as he shivered in the wind. I couldn't imagine how he felt.
10:15 AM
I had no one to call. I had nothing to do. There was nothing. I didn't sleep at all, I lied awake staring at the ceiling until the first bit of dawn seeped through my window. I didn't know who to call, or talk to, or do. I thought about telling Oliver, I couldn't, he wouldnt understand nor would it be optimal for me to say.
At 10:25 he called me, not Jake, but Junior. "Lydia?", he said louder than he spoke the last time. "yes?", I replied. "are you going to Lexys?"
Was I? After last night was I?
"Maybe, I think uh Oliver and I are" , I explained, "Ok. Uh well-" , I cut him off "Does Jake want to go?" , Devon was going to go too. "I can uh ask" , he replied quietly. The conversation was awkward and felt ages long. After a minute or two he came back, "hes gonna think about it. but uh Ill see you there, bye Lydia" , that meant he wasn't going.
"Bye Junior" , I clicked the end call button.
I didn't want to go to a party with Oliver. I didn't want to drink beers with him that don't even taste good. I don't want to kiss him tonight. I just needed to be alone. I just needed a break today, I couldn't disappoint him.
No matter how much he disappointed me, I couldn't bring myself to do it to him. So I'll go to the party.
1:45 PM
I wanted to text Jake. I didn't.
4:38 PM
Oliver <3
-i'll pick u up in 20?
5:08 PM
Oliver arrived in a crewneck and jeans, I wasn't surprised. He held beer that he hid in a backpack all the way to Lexys. God knows where he got the beer, but he always managed to have it at every single event.
On the way he took my hand, he rubbed the back of it with his thumb. He held it all the way to Lexys.
"I'm sorry for not being good to you lately" , it was weak hearted but I listened to the apology as we arrived. "I care about you Lydia, and I'm sorry" , he pulled me in for a hug. I know a part of him did still care. A small part.
"LYDIA! OlIVER!" ,Lexy stood at an open door wearing a white sweater and jeans. I smiled as she as well pulled me into a hug and ushered us in.
By party it was more of a hangout. Lexy, Junior, Devon, Evan, Nicole, and Amelia were all there. Devon leaned against a column in her living room, Junior was laying on a couch, Lexy had obviously been next to him prior to me being here, Nicole and Amelia were together with Evan on another couch.Oliver pulled my arm over to a couch and pulled me down. His arm draped around me as I cuddled into his side. i enjoyed the moment.
Junior looked upset, so did Lexy. I didn't bother to intervene as they went into another room. I looked across the room at Devon on his phone and Nicole snuggled into Amelia. Evan was too on his phone. Everyone was out of the moment, in another world, everything felt almost lifeless.
I felt a buzz in my pocket.
Jake :)
-Lydia. We have a big issue.
I got up off of Oliver and excused myself from the room, " what is it" I replied to the text.
"I know what killed my dad."
Im sorry IDEK what this chapter is im just tired
Im gonna watch the new episode in the morning and ive heard its like crazy good so im like super excited
ANYWAYS goodnight or goodmorning or good afternoon xx

and you never knew (Junior Wheeler x female OC)
Teen Fictionlydia ellis (oc) x junior wheeler -Chucky the TV series Listen with "back to the old house" "stay here Lydia." "i wont move a muscle" I don't own anything except for my OCs