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Jungkook is woken up a few hours later by someone banging on his door. He grabs his tricorn hat and puts it on before opening the door. It's one of his crew members named Orca. "What do you need?"

"Sorry, Cap. It's just that we saw someone in the water a couple hundred meters out. We're approaching them."

Jungkook sighs and pushes past him. "That's no damn person, Orca. It's a siren. It's been calling out to me."

"A siren? I've never seen a siren before. Are they beautiful?"

"Stunning, but they can be dangerous. How far away from it are we now?"

"Half a mile, sir."

Jungkook walks up to the foredeck and curses under his breath. "You idiots have potentially put all of us in grave danger. Why did no one wake me when the decision was made to approach a strange creature lurking in the water?"

"We tried, sir. You were knocked out cold. I'd been banging on your door for 30 minutes."

"It was singing me a lullaby. These sirens and their damn tricks... Where is it?"

"Straight ahead, Cap."

Jungkook looks out into the water and sees a figure in the water. "It's staring directly at us. There's no escaping it now... I can't believe you dumb fucks got us into this situation."

Knotsy, another crew member, walks up. "I hope it's a girl siren."

"It doesn't sound like one."

"You can hear it? What does it sound like?"

"Hauntingly beautiful. Even when it isn't singing, my head is full of it's voice." He looks down at his boots and sighs.

"We can still time and go away sir. It's not too late to do that."

"This creature has been taunting me for a week now. I might as well speak to it and try to figure out what it wants." He looks back out. They're less than 100 yards from it now. "Stop the ship. Let it come to us..."

The crew gets to work immediately and the ship slows to a stop. Jungkook watches as the siren swims slowly up to the lowest side.

Jungkook walks over, following it. It's just as beautiful as every siren he's seen before. Big sparkling eyes, a delicate nose, and tempting lips with skin as smooth as glass. It is also clearly a male siren.

Jungkook leans against the railing. "You've been taunting me. Explain yourself."

The siren grins playfully. "I need your help."

His voice sends chills down Jungkook's spine. It's just as melodic as his singing. "Help with what?"

"I encountered some sailors a few days ago and they weren't as kind and forgiving as you. I'm badly injured."

Jungkook smirks back at him. "And why should we help you? Your kind aren't exactly known for having sparkling reputations."

"I'm completely defenseless. My wound has weakened me. All I need is a place to lay down and rest without the threat of being attacked. You can help me, can't you?"

"I'm not a huge fan of this damsel in distress act. Just tell me what you actually need." He rests his chin on his palm, completely captivated. He can feel himself giving in, but he won't go down without a fight.

"I'm not lying. My tail is hurt. I can barely swim."

"Show me the injury and I'll consider letting you up here."

The siren smiles and lifts up his tail. Sure enough, one of his tail fins is almost completely ripped in half. "I'm terribly exhausted."

Jungkook whistles for some crew members and they run over. He doesn't take his eyes off of the siren. "Get me some rope." The crew runs off to do what they were told. He continues talking.

"What happens when you leave the water?"


"Your tail won't disappear?"

"That only happens if I want it to happen."

Jungkook is handed some rope and he ties one end on the railing before throwing the other end into the water. "Grab on and I'll hoist you up."

The siren grabs hold of the rope. Jungkook pulls him up rather quickly. He doesn't weigh much.

Two crew members grab him when he's within reach and pull him over the railing. "Where should we put him, Cap?"

"My cabin." He follows them in. "Leave us."

Orca snickers. "How long do you need? 5 minutes?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes and slams the door. He glances over sat the siren. "I didn't catch your name."


"I'm Jungkook."

Jimin bats his eyelashes. "Thank you for saving me, Captain Jungkook."

Jungkook pulls up a chair and sits down. "You know, I have no pity for you being tired. You've kept me awake for a week."

"My apologies. I was desperate and you kept ignoring me."

"It's usually smart to ignore sirens and their bloody songs."



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