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Namjoon and Jungkook strategize with each other until sundown. They leave some crew members out to keep watch and retreat to their cabins to prepare.

Jimin is undressing when Jungkook walks in. He jumps at the sound of the door opening but relaxes at the sight of him. "You startled me."

"Sorry, babe." He closes the door behind him. "This whole situation is so stressful. I know we're going to lose some people and I don't want one of them to be you..."

Jimin walks over and gives him a kiss. "Don't think like that. You'd be surprised how often people speak things into existence."

Jungkook pulls him back into a kiss. "I know this is a lot to ask and it's a bad time, but I really need to relieve my stress somehow—"

Jimin smooths out his hair. "If you're asking to sleep with me, the answer is yes. Let's just be quiet so the resting crew members feel refreshed when they attack."

Jungkook nods. "I'm sure we can manage."


Jimin is sleeping peacefully in Jungkook's arms when he hears the faint sound of a bang. A few seconds later, the whole ship shakes. Jungkook is awake in an instant. He gets dressed as quickly as possible and grabs a gun. "They're here."

Jimin gets up as well and gathers his clothes. Jungkoook reaches her the door handle but is stopped by the sound of a gunshot and a body thudding outside the door. He takes one last look at Jimin and runs out.

Jimin rushes to lace up his boots and freezes at the sound of slow footsteps entering the room. He looks over the bed  to see that he's staring down the barrel of a gun. It's the pirate he spoke with at the bar.

"Hello, darling. I'd listen to me if I were you."


Jungkook runs out onto the deck and looks around. The ship is circling around them. He sees that a few members of his crew and Namjoon's crew are busy tying the fronts of their ships together. Jungkook dodges a few bullets and shoots a few times while keeping watch on Smoke Eyes's ship. When it's almost in front of them, he yells, "Now!"

All of the sirens in the water push their ships around. The ships spin around, still attached at the front, successfully trapping Smoke Eyes's ship in-between their sterns. Jungkook fires at the enemy crew members but doesn't hit any.

The sound of snapping rope echoes through the air as 5 of the enemies swing onto the boat.
Jungkook aims and shoots one of them in the head before they even land. 2 more crew members prepare to sing onto the ship but are snatched midair by sirens leaping out of the water.

A bullet grazes Jungkook's shoulder when he isn't paying attention, so he hides behind a crate. His blurred vision clears up and he notices that the door to his cabin is wide open. He looks around the ship and sees that Jimin is gone.

While in his daze of searching for Jimin, Jungkook forgets about the fight. He's quickly reminded of it when one of his crew members is shot dead in front of him.


Bounty holds the gun to Jimin's head. "Try to resist and I'll shoot you with no hesitation."

"Do it. I dare you."

"Well, if you're so eager to die, then maybe I should threaten your lover instead."

Jimin chokes on his words. His life is one thing, but he would never bargain against somebody else's. Especially not Jungkook's. "Fine. I'll do what you say."

Bounty picks Jimin up with one arm and glances outside. No one is looking in their direction. He looks to the side and sees that they're only 5 feet from the railing and a 4 foot jump from his ship.

He runs out and launches them over the gap. He drags him to the Captain's quarters and shuts the door. He throws Jimin onto the floor and ties him up. "Now we wait for your precious Captain to come rescue you."

Bounty grapes the rifle that's strapped to his back and swings it at his head, rendering him unconcious.


Jungkook manges to catch a glimpse of Bounty and Jimin entering the Captain's quarters. He curses and tries to formulate a plan to get over.

His thoughts are interrupt by the sounds of canon fire. He prepared for the worst but instead hears water splashing. Smoke Eyes's crew is now focusing all of their canons into the water to knock out as many sirens as they can.

Jungkook emerges from his place of safety behind the crate and shoots someone who's moments away from slicing Orca's throat.

He freezes and looks back to the water. "The siren's..." He perks up and runs towards the railing, narrowly avoiding a few bullet on the way. He dives into the water.

The sirens are in a frenzy, darting in every which direction. One swims up to him with their fangs out, but stops when they recognize him. Jungkook motions to the enemy boat and they nod, grabbing him and swimming down.

When they're 15 meters down, the siren turns around and swims as fast as they can up and out of the water. They do an arc over Smoke Eyes ship and drop Jungkook on the deck.

Jungkook gets on his feet and shoots two people coming at him before making a mad dash towards the Captain's quarters and going in.

The first thing he sees is Jimin's lifeless body on the floor.


Jungkook is wacked on the side of the head, immediately knocking him out.

Bounty walks out of the shadows with the rifle in his hands. "Too easy."



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