Chapter 3

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I awake to a man looming over me, no a boy.. my age! He smells of rose pedals and dog fur.

"Well, Well, Well guess who is finally awake" He teased. He had an effortless grin spread across his face. And his strawberry blonde bangs hung just in front of his orange eyes. He was.. gorgeous. His teeth were slightly sharper than mine but they appeared rather normal. 

"I-.. Who are y-y-y-y-you?" I asked, the s slithering off my tongue.

"I'm Steve, the soon to be Alpha, I am currently looking for a mate and well.. I think I found a hot shot" He responded looking up and down my body. I noticed his tail was wagging back and forth and i finally noticed his wolf ears that seemed to blend into his curly strawberry blonde locks. I flushed red after realizing what he said. 

"Don't disobey me... or else" He huffed and he licked my ear and walked off. o//////o .

A few minutes passed and I finally sat up and looked around. I gasped dramatically. It was so beautiful A wardrobe lined the wall with a giant TV next to it. A bookshelf to my left and an elegant doorway to my right. A nightstand next to my queen sized bed with my Ed sheeran alarm clock placed upon it, A mirror hung above me on the roof. I assume for a good view of.. S P I C E.

I stood up slowly still gazing around in awe, I heard foot-steps and nearly jumped out of my skin. I saw Steve rush by and a few others. I quickly got changed into a quirky hunting outfit and charged after them. My blonde and purple hair blew in the wind, it was nice to leave it down but it felt improper. After a few minutes I caught up to them and accidentally bumped into Steve, he stumbled a bit but then turned around and smirked at me.

"Just can't stay away from my pretty face can y'a?" He stated and pressed his face against my neck, I shivered but stayed still. His ears pressed against my soft chin and grazed my lips. He suddenly pulled away and grabbed my arm dragging me somewhere. We were deep in the woods far from civilization. He pulled me into as small little fancy hut in the ground. It was nice and cozy, the main centerpiece was a bed. I suddenly was pressed against the bed, my face against sheets and my knees on the cold stone floor.

<<<<warning NSFW ahead >>>>

I felt my close slowly being stripped from me. And I felt a firm grip on my hips. A heavy breath hit my cold bare neck and I gasped, suddenly Steve bit and sucked at my neck leaving marks everywhere. But then he turned me to face him. He was smiling a devilish smile he kissed me deeply then started putting my clothes back on.

"H-H-H-hhhhUh?" I said kinda pissed he was teasing me. He chuckled and pushed me back on the bed and whispered hotly in my ear,

"Lycantrophy, dear, Lycantrophy..". Lycan- what? I thought. I gasped due to sharp pain emitted from my neck, I feinted quirkily.

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