10 - Second chance mate

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  "Damn it! Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I yelled throwing the book in my hand.

  I had just read everything in the strange phenomenal section and found nothing!

  "Calm down Athanasia. You can start reading the werewolf section." Luke said getting comfortable in his sitting down pose leaning against one of the many book shelves.

  My reading speed is about 2× of Luke.

  He was only half way through the mates section.

  "I still don't get how you can read faster then me when I'm the bookworm." Luke commented.

  I picked up the poor book that was thrown onto the floor by me and placed it back on the shelf.

  "Remember when we still went to school? I didn't have to pay attention in class because I had already read thro all the textbooks and extra books also memorized them." I replied walking towards the werewolf section.

  Lucas found out there was nothing at the east and is about a five min walk away from jennette.

  "That explains why you were so smart despite having to miss classes due to not being officially a delta yet and doing beta work." Luke said with a 'Ohhh' voice.

  "I technically still am doing the beta work... Well that is before my mate came back."

  "How well do you think Lucas can lead?" Luke question.

  "I have no doubt in Lucas, after all... I am his mate, I'm supposed to believe him when no one else will. Believe in him unconditionally whether there is evidence or not..." I sighed at the end of my scentence.

  "Do you think he'll run away from paper work again?" Luke asked chuckling.

  "Nope. At least I hope not..." I sighed.

  "Hey. Luke, are you still ok with Lucas? Considering my mate is kinda stealing your mate from you?" I asked Luke.

  "Honestly, my wolf hates him. Lux tried to gain control and tear of Lucas head when Jennette held his arm. But I... I just... I can't find it in myself to hate my big brother... I still remember all our moments when we were kids... I can't delete them... So I can't being myself to hate Lucas... What about you?" Luke asked.

  "Frankly speaking, both me and my wolf hate Jennette, the only reason she isn't dead on the floor right now is because... Lucas would hate me if I killed her... You would hate me too... Ain't that right?" I asked Luke.

  "As much as I love you like a sister, if you so much as scratch Jennette I will kill you with no hesitation." Luke replied.

  "See! If I kill Jennette I will have to run. With you two crazy insane mate-blinded brothers chasing me! I don't think I would last a day!" I told him.

  "If I killed Lucas... Would you hate me...?" Luke asked.

  "With every fiber in my body." I growled.

  "What would Jennette do?" Luke asked me.

  "Jennette? Cry. I guess... I'm sorry to say this luke but all your mate really does when trouble comes is cry. " I flatly Insulted luke's mate.

  "I don't need my mate to be strong or useful, I will be strong for them, I will help them." Luke replied.

  "I'm sorry to say this luke but this pack might fall under Jennette as Luna... But then again... I have full confidence Lucas will carry it somehow..."

  "Why would the pack fall under Jennette?" Luke asked greatly insulting me.

  "Simple! A Luna is supposed to be the packs mother, be the shoulder the pack can cry on. She's supposed to make everything seem ok even when it's not. Jennette? Jennette won't be the pack mother, she'll be the packs child. She won't be the shoulder the pack can cry on it would be the other way around. When something is wrong Jennette will cry which good chance would cause panic to rise in the pack and when panic rise in the pack they won't be abke to function properly!" I rambled.

  "Look at you Athanasia! The pack basically fears you!" Luke said defending his mate.

  "There's a difference between fear and respect!" I snapped back.

  "Sigh... I just want my mate..." Luke said sulking.

  "We both do..." I told Luke.

  "Do you think we'll ever get our mates?" Luke asked me which caused me to pause for awhile.

  If I say yes, I would be giving him class hope but that false hope might turn into something good.

  If I say no, He'll just completely give up on life just like me.

  But there's no way we're doing that!

  Just as Luke said! 'If I'm going down I'm going down with a fight!'

  "Yes. We will get our mates back Luke! Now come on! Let's get our lazy butts to work!" I said with renewed determination.

  "Only your lazy." Luke retorted.

  "Luke? Are you talking to a mirror?" I argued back.

  "Can't let me win for one second?" Luke asked.

  "Nope! Not a chance!" I replied.

  Silence fell upon us as all we heard were sounds of flipping pages.

  "I can't believe there are so many things on mates! Like you know how they say you have one mate and that's it? Turns out something called a second chance mate exist." Luke read out.

  "Tell me more about it." I told Luke as I picked up a book from the werewolf section.

  "Well apparently, when something bad happens to their mate like they died or they rejected them, moon goddess has pity in them and gives them a second chance at having a mate." Luke said.

  "So basically this person would have two mates?" I asked.

  "Yes..." Luke replied slowly.

  Then it clicked in my head.

  "Luke..." I called softly dropping my book.

  "What?" Luke asked clearly confused.

  "You know how Lucas and Jennette claim they are mates right?" I asked.

  "Yes." Luke replied

  "And how we claim they are our mates?" I continued

  "Yes...?" Luke replied his brain starting to work

  "Won't that mean that both of them have two mates...?" I questioned.

  "Wait... If that's the case then..." Luke's mind was working at the same pace as mine.

  "We are their second chance mates..." We both said at the same time looking at each other.

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