who corrupted my kid!

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May is alive just lives in Chicago ad peter lives with tony and the avengers

so what happens at game night peter is 20---------------------------;

Peter's Pov

"Guys! it's game night today all avengers plus pepper, laura, peter, hope, and jane should come in the living room at 9:00 pm sharp" clint exclaimed going to the living room, I give my watch a quick glance and see its 8:30 and start doing my assignments i missed faster than ever, at 9:00 sharp I reach the living room but I have eyes on me now "what I was finishing homework or pepper might have killed me," I said sitting beside pepper "that's true, finished it Pete?" pepper asked ruffling my hair I smiled and nodded, she gave me a smile"I would have saved you, kid," Mr said looking at me 

"Sorry Mr stark don't trust you in that field, plus I don't want to get scolded by pepper," I said smirking at him I know he gets annoyed when I call him that "what I am Mr stark and pep is pepper?" tony asked "she is pepper potts-stark and my favorite stark," I said earning giggles and chuckles by the others and a side hug by pepper "u little shit! no lab day for a week," Mr stark said "what pepper!" I whined

"hey don't scold him only I get to, and I get to cancel ur lab days no one else tony" pepper said, "wow my intern and my wife has betrayed me too," Tony said placing a hand on his reactor "okay wrap up we are playing never have I ever," sam said "yes so I'll go first--" clint got cut off my nat "I will go first........never have I ever jumped from a building she said smirking at steve who took a shot along with bucky and me, that's when all the eyes were staring at me again.

----------------------------------------Third-person pov-------------------------------

"what?" Peter asked the people who were staring at him "hold up you jumped off a building" Wanda asked " I am spidey remember" he said, the others nodded and continued

there were lots of questions but one which got an amazing reaction on the drinkers

"Never have I ever slept with a girl/boy before 21,"  clint said smirking, nat, tony, bucky took a shot, they thought they were done with the question until

"I mean I did..so why not" someone muttered, and all eyes were looking for the talker who just happens to be peter who just took a shot 

It was like in slow-motion, steve and tony choking, nat, bucky, and sam's glasses fall down and breaks, pepper,Wanda and clint have their eyes popping out, and peter just placed his glass down after drinking the shot and was scared when he saw the reactions

"g-guys you all alright?" he asked nervously and panicking "peter?" nat asked slowly, peter hummed "you slept, as in had sex with someone?" she asked trying calmly, but when peter nodded she widened her eyes like everyone 

"WHO CORRUPTED MY KID?!" tony exclaimed, everyone, started asking questions like "when" "who was it with" "were you dating them "how did I not know" "omg" "who corrupted him?"

"guys STOP!" peter yelled and so everyone looked at him "I was 18, it was a girl, names Michelle jones aka Mj and she is my---------" he was interrupted by a woman's voice

"Peter Benjimen parker!" everyone again looks at the poor kid whose face was like he had seen a shark eating a man alive

"oh no, if she asks where I am tell her--" he cuts himself off and runs behind the couch 

"where is he?" the woman asked, she was a little tanned, and wore a white blouse with a leather jacket, some jeans, and high heels "umm who are you --"

"most important how did u get in here!?" tony asked cutting steve off, "first of all I am allowed here right Friday?- *yes indeed she is*- and now where is peter?" she asked giving death glares to everyone

"Why should we tell you, u can be a hydra agent who hacked Friday and now have come to kidnap or kill peter," Steve said stepping forward, but the girl laughed

"look, Mr. America, I do respect you but if you don't tell me where peter is then--" she got interrupted by someone's laughter from behind the couch, but she recognized

"Peter," she said in a firm voice

"sorry-I am sorry mj, I know I forg--" he got cut off my mj throwing arms around him and hugging him closely, while the others were shocked

"you could have texted you came back or a call, i was worried sick, plus ned giving bad hunches why u aren't in contact, " she had little tears in her eyes which will shock anyone who knew mj really closely

"hey i am alright, see, also i forgot about getting in contact sorry" peter said hugging he back and kissing her hair

"okay hold up what the hell is going here some gonna tell me?" pepper asked to no one particular

"oh everyone meet Michelle or Mj and she is--"

"i am his finance" she cutted him of and stood next to him, while he placed a hand on her waist


"how did i--


"we gotta go or ned and betty will kill me," mj said "right, bye guys good night I'll come tomorrow" with that the two left and tony snapped out of his shock

"MY KID IS GETTING MARRIED!?" he yelled and pepper smacked him on his head "if he's your then mine too so 'OURS'" everyone snickered at their parent's instinct"

"okay OUR KID IS GETTING MARRIED!?" He yelled again, everyone laughed now unable to control


hey guys hope you liked it  (thx for you guys support"

loads of love

Kara out

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