Chiyo's POV

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Chiyo's POV

6 months later

"Hey honey me and Y/N are going to the store." I said to Shigaraki as I made my way to the door with Y/N in my arms.

"Ok honey be safe, ok?" Shigaraki said to me while looking at me.

"Ok we will be. I love you." I said and made my way out of the door while Shigaraki said I love you back. It was fall right now so it was getting colder so I held Y/N close to me as we made our way into the car. I buckled Y/N into her car seat and I made my way to the front seat. I started to drive and I turned on the radio because Y/N loves to listen to music while we drive. I parked in front of the store and got Y/N out and put her in the cart. I went around the store to get the stuff I needed. I was pushing the cart into the cereal section when I saw a certain white haired lady with a little red haired boy. The lady turned around because I guess she felt me staring. When the lady had fully turned around I saw that the lady was actually rei.

"Oh my! Hi Chiyo. How are you." Rei said walking towards me.

"Hey Rei! I'm doing good, how are you?" I said as she stopped in front of me.

"I'm doing pretty good to I'm just taking care of my little one and I see that you brought your little one with to." Rei said giving Y/N a friendly smile and a small wave.

"Yes I did. Her name is Y/N. What's your little ones name?" I asked her looking at the baby with bright red hair.

"His name is Touya... Touya Todoroki." She said looking at her baby boy and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh that's a beautiful name." I said in a baby voice to touya while I stuck my hand out to him. touya grabbed one of my fingers and started giggle. When touya took his focus off of me he looked over at Y/N and smiled at her and she smiled back. He started to reach out to her but he ended up knocking a box of cereal off the shelf.

"Oh silly touya, he can be such a trouble maker sometimes." Rei said as she bent down to pick up the box of cereal and put it back on the shelf.

"He's to cute. He seems to like
Y/N. Maybe someday they could have a play date." I suggested to Rei and she nodded at me and smiled as she looked in between Y/N and touya.

"Yeah that would be great. Let me give you my number and we can come up with a day to have the play date." Rei said. I gave Rei my phone so she could put her number in my phone and she gave me hers so I could do the same.

"Alright we'll it was good to see you two again." I said after Rei handed me my phone. Me and Rei exchanged our goodbyes and I took Y/N's hand I'm mine and waved it at touya and Rei did the same to touya. We went our separate ways and by the time I got out of the store it was night time. I put all the groceries into the trunk and put Y/N in her car seat and made my way back home. When I was driving down our street I saw a unfamiliar car pull out of our driveway and head in the opposite direction or my car. All I could see was some blonde hair but that was all. Hmm I wonder who that was I'll ask shigaraki when me and Y/N make it into the house. I first took the groceries in then I got Y/N and took her upstairs and laid her into her crib. I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen where shigaraki was.

"Hey honey, who was that person who left a few minutes ago before me and Y/N got back." I asked shigaraki, he looked kinda stressed before I asked him but his face went white when I asked him that question.

"Um it was just a friend from work, he came over to give me something I left at work." Shigaraki said.

"Oh ok well can you help me unpack the groceries and I'll start with dinner." I said and shigaraki nodded.

When I got done with dinner I went upstairs to get Y/N and I sat her in her chair at the dinner table. I sat down next to Y/N with shigaraki across from me. I started to feed Y/N her milk while I started to eat as well.

When we were done with dinner and I cleaned up the kitchen I took Y/N back up to her room and put her to bed. I walked to mine and shigaraki's bedroom and got under the covers. I scrolled through my phone for a while until I got a text from Rei.

Hey chiyo, it's Rei.

Hey, what's up

I was going to talk to you about the play date, would you be able to have it tomorrow at 2:30?

Yeah that's perfect, we have nothing to do tomorrow.

Wonderful! We'll see you tomorrow at 2:30.

Rei gave me her adress since we would be having the play date at her house.

"Goodnight honey I love you." I said to shigaraki as I turned off the nightstand light.

"Goodnight, I love you to." He said back. I rolled onto my side and started to think about that little red haired boy. I'm glad that Y/N already has a friend. I wonder if one day Y/N and touya would be more than friends or would something happen and he'd have to move away or would we have to move for some reason. I hope they stay friends forever. I'd love for Y/N to have someone when me and shigaraki aren't around anymore but hopefully that's a long time from now.

This chapter was kinda boring but I promise that they will get more interesting as time goes on.

Instagram: Mekachiku9

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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