After Nick Fury lost his eye the first person to his aid or to be a pain up his ass was none other than Phil coulson.
One Phil had saw the eye patch he had made it his personal mission to make sure his boss had the proper attire.From pirate flags to 45 different colored eyepatches coulson bought it all, the final straw is when coulson bought him a parrot.
"Agent coulson I appreciate the kind gestures you have made over the past few weeks but seriously a parrot?"
"I only have this eyepatch so I won't scare people off it doesn't make me a pirate but I will keep all the stuff because it's awesome."
"The eyepatch totally isn't the thing scaring people away," coulson grins sarcastically.
"Well it's a lot better than this." Fury lifts up the eyepatch to show coulson but surprisingly coulson just smiles.
"That's not scary that's badass."
"If only more people were like you coulson."
"Agreed, but what happened to parrot," coulson asks motioning towards the empty bird cage.
"Goose ate him."
"That cat eats everything," coulson looks around the room, "Where is Goose?"
"Well it's lunch time so she's probably eating, something."
Then there was a scream of pure fear.
"Or someone"