Chapter 3

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Nora: “We all will make sure. I hope so….”

Hailey: “Now tell me, have you eaten anything yet?”

Nora: “Not yet…..”

Hailey: “Let’s eat something first and then talk about anything…..”

Nora: “Okay……Alright….”

We just stared at the food and didn’t have an appetite. We were just playing around with it. I mean, how could we after what happened? Just thinking about it made me teary but I couldn’t do that in front of Nora. I took a little bit of the food so that at least she would start eating. And lucky, she did start.

Nora broke the silence between us when she asked me something.

Nora: “The time I was passed out. What happened to you during that time…..?”

Hailey: “Well I tried to keep it together… much as I could but it didn’t work too well but here I am now, somehow got through it….”

Nora: “You’re much stronger…..than I am.”

Hailey: “Well that’s not exactly true because there are some things you handle far better than I can, I’m sure of it. So don’t degrade yourself about it.”

Nora: “I guess so…The only thing I remember was, seeing them dead on the ground. The scene was so brutal and horrifying. They lost so much blood, and if I remember correctly, I think I saw three people at that moment. But who could the third person be?”

Hailey: “It seemed to me like it was the mailman…”

Nora: “Wait you don’t think he-”

Hailey: “It is a possibility, but we don’t have any evidence other than him being there.”

Nora: “But why would he? What would he gain from it?”

Hailey: “I don’t know…but…we are going to find out. I want to know just as badly as you all do.”

Nora got discharged after a while since she was feeling much better than before. I just hope this sort of thing never happens to her again.

On the way back home the only thing I could think about was my grandparents. This whole situation was really a lot to take in. All those people who lost their loved ones in some way via murder, I felt all the torture they went through.

Even when we went home, I just locked myself in my room and cried out to my heart’s content. I was feeling so many emotions at once that I didn’t know what I was feeling anymore. The pain inside my heart made my stomach ache. It was howling in agony, “what to do now?”

Without proper evidence or without knowing the statements I wasn’t going to be able to find out anything and that’s what was killing me inside. Every minute to second felt like torture. I had to wait for the police to give us the proper statement and I couldn’t even wait a damn second like that.

The next few days, it was the same routine on repeat. I didn’t feel like coming out of my room much. And at the same time, I didn’t go to school because I just couldn’t get up from my bed nor stop crying. Just went on a couple of walks. Even seeing funny videos didn’t help me at all. I would smile for a millisecond and then it would fade away.

I felt like I lost weight in the couple of days because I didn’t have the appetite to eat. My aunt was worried sick, and so were Nora and Camila.

They would try to get me to go outside for a walk and try to feed me. As much as I love them for that, I just felt hopeless, numb, pain, and anger. Crying repeatedly made my eyes so puffed up and red. My nose was clogged and I couldn’t breathe yet I still continued to go because that’s all I thought about.

I just needed answers and punish those who deserved it.

Nora: “Hey Hailey….the police are here…and they have the report to explain it….”

Hailey: “Hey…I’ll be right down….”

This was the moment I had been waiting for, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to hear anything.

I headed to the living area where everyone was sitting down and the atmosphere from the room did seem like it had a nice vibe.

There were two police offers and they seemed like nice people, but I just hope I wouldn’t judge too quickly.

Police officer: “I think we should just tell you straight forward instead of beating around the bush.”

Aunt Jade: “Even though it’s something we aren’t exactly ready to hear, we can’t escape from reality. Please, proceed….”

Police officer: “Well, according to the autopsy results, it seems to us Ms. Jade that your mother and father had passed away because of severe blood loss. They were stabbed almost everywhere in the chest area. Which means in the heart, abdomen chest, and so on. It seems like they were stabbed about 9 times each and they were strangled with something which explains why they had marks on their necks.”

Hailey: “So they were stabbed all in the same way? And even the mailman?”

Police officer: “Yes that’s what’s a bit odd.”

Nora: “In what way, sir?”

Police officer: “The mailman had the same amount of stabs as two of them but we got to find what it was that they were strangled with, Which was a thick rope.”

Aunt Jade: “So what you are concluding with that is, the mailman killed my parents?”

Police officer: “Well yes we are, but we don’t understand how the mailman was able to get stabbed the same way. So far, what we have concluded is that seems to be likely that he was the one that killed your parents.”

Hailey: “Excuse me, please.”

After that, I just left the room. I couldn’t take it anymore. If I did get my hands on him, I would have taken that rope and done the same to him.

After I heard the door shut, I understood that meant that the police officers were gone. Later, Nora came and asked me,

Nora: “Are you alright?”

Hailey: “No not really…..what did the officers say? Will they continue to investigate?”

Nora: “Yes they did, because the weird part is who killed the mailman. They didn’t find the murder weapon even after searching the whole house.”

Hailey: “So someone murdered him afterward but that’s who we need to find out and it could be possible that they hired him to do something like this. And when I find him, I will stab him myself.”

Nora: “I know you’re angry and hurt, we all are. However, just before doing anything, let us know. Don’t let your emotions do something that will hurt you or anyone okay?”

Hailey: “Alright…..”

Nora: “Good. Now come and eat a little, please. I’m worried you’re going to faint soon. Even mother hasn’t eaten much yet because she’s been stressing about you.”

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