Chapter 3

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Arcane jumped up in the instinct to help. They did not have a plan whatsoever, but something happened. They quickly gave the waiter the money they needed for the food.

"I gotta go, you can have my food"

"But Mx-" the blonde haired boy around their age started.

"No time! Thank you though", they quickly smiled and rushed out to the streets to run through the mass of people just to find a small cafe. Well, what used to be a small cafe, now it was only ruins.

"Alright, everyone get back!" someone was yelling.

Arcane quickly sneaked to the scene and saw their cat, unharmed. It meowed and hopped into their arms.

"Luci!" Arcane sighed slightly. "You could've gotten hurt"

The cat gave them an apologetic meow in response.

"Apology accepted", they nodded.

They felt something fall on their head and fall on the ground. They quickly picked it up while still holding the cat with their other arm. It was a piece of red crystal. They shoved it into their pocket and quickly sneaked back to the crowd to find their friends.

"ARCANE!" Bax's voice yelled.

"Bax", Arcane nodded slightly as Bax put her mask down.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" the two quickly walked away from the crowd of people that had started to scatter as commanded to.

"No, I just heard an explosion", Arcane admitted. "I found Luci there and it was unharmed"

"Maybe it just got there"

"You're probably right. So, do you think it's anything bad?"

"I'm guessing so", Arcane nodded. "I found this piece of crystal"

They showed Bax the crystal quickly.


"It fell on me"


"Alright, no need to tell the entire town"

"Fine. It is odd though"

"Something is telling me that there's other pieces around the island", Arcane muttered.

Luci meowed slightly.

"You know like a 'I know because my inner voice is telling me' thing?"

"Yeah, well, we might as well go ahead and start traveling"

"It takes weeks to get around the island", an oddly familiar voice spoke up and the two turned around.

It was the blonde waiter.


"You guys really should stay for the festival at least! C'mon, just today", he laughed slightly, but went quiet after not getting quite the same reaction from the other two. "And besides you need to gather stuff and get ready, it'll take time, so a couple days wouldn't hurt? You kn-"

Arcane stayed quiet and stared into the boy's brown eyes.

"Well, I agree.. actually", Bax nodded.

The blonde's face light up and turned towards Arcane. Bax also gave them a small 'you-better-agree' look.

"..Fine! Not because I like you both, but because I want to say something to a couple of people!"

"Right", Bax rolled her eyes.

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