5, Next to You

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"Ah... It's morning again." Mafu groaned tiredly rubbing his eyes. He barely got any sleep from what happened the last night, even though it's normal, he's never counterattacked with his thoughts so it made him a bit restless.

When he went to the bathroom to wash his face, he noticed the spot where his mother slapped him was slightly bleeding. He sighed as he looked for a box filled with bandages. "I can't go to school with a bandage on my cheek, I'll just get bullied more."

He realized he bought something else the day before when he went to the convenience store and walked over to his backpack to pick out a black mask.

"Maybe this'll cover it."


He just left the house and up ahead he can see another male looking down on his phone. Mafu was unsure who that was so he walked cautiously, that is until the boy called him out.

"Hey Mafu." The albino stopped to hear a familiar voice and waved back. "Hi Soraru-san."

They continued their way to school and had small talks on the way there. "Ah, Soraru-san, I need to go to the convenience store. Would you come with?" Mafu asked the other male as he gestured to the convenience store nearby. "Sure, I might need to buy somethings too." The ravennette said smiling. Mafu was smiling too but Soraru couldn't see it since he was wearing a mask.

When they went inside, the albino walked over to the foods section and picked out an onigiri of his choice. Soraru didn't want to make him feel left out so he took one too, "Eh? I thought you had a bento?" Mafu asked him confused because of his action. "Well... I just felt kinda bad seeing you eat that all by yourself, you know?" The ravennette just shrugged as he thinking which of the two onigiris would he eat.

Mafu slightly widened his eyes not expecting such an answer. Once Soraru had made his decision, they both went to the counter to pay for the food.

They continued walking to school and their conversation they were having earlier.

"Oh right that reminds me... why are you wearing a mask, Mafu? Did you get a cold or something?" Soraru asked curiously. "Ah this? Well.. uhm.. my mom hit me a bit too hard, that's all." The albino mumbled as he looked down, fiddling with his fingers. Then all of a sudden, Soraru started asking him questions like he was in an interview.

"Does it hurt that much?"

"Not really but it was bleeding."

"Did you treat it anyway?"

"Of course I did, I put a bandage there."

"Then, why are you wearing a mask?"

"Cuz the bandage doesn't look good on me and I don't want the bullies to make fun of me for it."

"Oh, I see. Well it's okay that way then! You do you, I don't mind." The ravennette chirped as he looked ahead to see the school. That was possibly the longest yet shortest conversation Mafu has ever had.

They both walked to the shoe lockers to change into the school shoes and...

"Hey Soraru-san, what's that?" The albino asked as he looked at the piece of paper Soraru was reading. "It's nothing but if you want to know, I'll tell you." He slightly smirked to notice that Mafu was very slowly but surely breaking out of his shell and opening up to him. "Of course I do! I'll be extra curious if you don't tell me!" Mafu said aloud and immediately put his hands over his mouth, even though he's wearing a mask, not expecting his voice to be that loud.

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