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November 6, 2015

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November 6, 2015

Ring! Ring!

"Moshi moshi?" Junhui let out a chuckle.

"What?" Wonwoo asked from the call.

"It means 'hello' in Japanese, I think." Junhui says, putting his phone down on the table, turning on the loud speaker. "I heard it in a song."

Junhui could hear a sigh coming from Wonwoo.

"Did you do what I asked you to do for our project?" Wonwoo asks.

"Yeah, uh..." Junhui scratches behind his ear. "I was trying to find objects to use that are recycable, but I don't really have anything like that. I thought there might be newspapers or some random plastic, but there wasn't really anything."

"Are you sure?" Wonwoo asks. "Are you sure you looked hard enough? We can't work on a diorama if we don't have materials."

Junhui takes his phone in his hand and jumps on his bed. "I don't know, Won."

"You just jumped on your bed, didn't you?" Wonwoo asks in a slightly intimidating manner.

Junhui quickly got up from his bed. "Of course not! That was something else. You heard wrong."


"Fine! Fine! I'll go look for something to use!"

"Are you sure that you searched everywhere in your house?"

"I haven't searched down the basement."

"Then, go check there."


Call ended.

Junhui lets out a groan, heading outside his room with his phone. Neither of his parents were home at the moment. Therefore, asking them about the things he needed were not possible.

He didn't really like going to the basement. It was hot, dusty, and his parents said there were spiders there. So, he very rarely ever comes down there.

He opened the door to the door to the basement. It was dark and he could barely see anything, but he could tell it was messy in there. He switched the lights on, revealing various crates filled with objects that ranged from old clothes, old newspapers, old furnature, to random broken things that, for some reason, they decided not to throw out.

He looked around the room, trying to find any items he could use for constructing a diorama. He wasn't really sure what exact materials he needed. So, he just scavenged around to see any usable objects that he thought Wonwoo might be satisfied with.

He grabbed some old newspapers that were sitting by the floor on the other side of the room. He tried to look for more since there weren't as much newspapers as he had hoped in the area he found them in. He found some old paints that he could hopefully still use in one of the boxes. He carried the newspapers along with the set of paints, getting ready to go back upstairs and to escape this cobweb-filled place.

"ARGH!" He screamed.

Speak of the devil.

A spider had fallen from above. It almost landed directly on his face if he hadn't moved backward by instinct. Unfortunately for him, as he jumped back, he bumped onto some crates, causing them and its contents to topple over.

He sighed. "No one would know if I didn't fix this, right?" He stares at the cluttered area for a few seconds before deciding to clean it up. The thought of his mother scolding him had woken him up.

He picked it the items that had fallen one by one, tossing them into the crates. There were old baby photos, some pens, a shattered mug, and some other random things. He stood back up to place the crate on a different area, hoping he would never have to trip on it ever again.

He was about to leave the place, until his eye had caught on something that reflected the light. He bent down to get a closer look at the object—an earring. He picked it up in his hands, examining it.

"Was this something I used to wear?" He asked himself. "It looks pretty though. Where's the other earring?"

He went back to wear the area he had placed the crate. He took some of the items out, trying to see if he could find the other piece to the earring. After having taken out every single item in that crate, he put them back in, for he had not found the other piece. He went back upstairs into his room with the newspapers and the paints, stashing the earring in his pocket.

He set down the materials he had procured on the floor. He, then, took out the earring from his pocket and placed it on his bedside table.

"I should take a bath first, right?" He mumbled under his breath.

Well, his body had other plans, as it didn't really want to move since the moment he jumped in his bed. He stayed there in that position, as the gentle breeze coming from the windows had eventually lulled him to sleep.


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