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November 8, 2015

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November 8, 2015

He felt a hand tapping his shoulder three times.

"Junnie." A voice called.

He turned around, somehow finding the voice familiar.

"You!" Junhui's eyes widened at the person before him. "It's you again!"

The boy chuckled. "Did you miss me that much? We already met yesterday." He took a few steps back.

Junhui immediately took hold of the boy's hand. "Wait! Where are you going?" He looks straight at the boy's eyes. "Don't leave."

The young male smiles softly. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving just yet." He takes a step closer to Junhui. "I know a really fun place. Come with me." He slowly interlocks his hand with Junhui's.

Junhui nods. "I'll go with you." The boy's hand felt so warm in his hand. It just felt right. It was as if his hand was always meant to be holding the other boy's hand.

The two boys walk under the bright sunlight. All Junhui could think about was the boy walking beside him, as they hold each other's hands. He didn't even notice it, but he had been staring at the boy the whole time. The boy, of course, noticed this, but didn't say anything about it and just let Junhui do what he was doing.

Junhui could pretty much see the boy clearly this time—his beautiful eyes and his eyelashes, his cute button nose, his rosy pink lips, his cheeks that he felt the overwhelming urge to squeeze.

"We're here." The corners of the boy's lips raised.

"Hm?" Junhui looks at the boy with a questioning look. "Ah, right!" He'd been so immersed with studying the boy's face and the way he fiddled with his fingers while holding his hand that he it had completely crossed his mind that they were trying to go somewhere.

The boy let out a soft chuckle at Junhui's expressions.

Junhui's eyes follow from the left to right at the scenery before him—a peaceful white sand beach. "Wow..." He says with his mouth wide open.

The entire place was empty, clean, and the only thing that could be heard was the crashing waves and whistles of the wind.

He looks back to the boy, only to find him sitting down on the sand a few feet away from him.

"Junnie." The young male taps the spot next to him. "Come here."

Junhui finds himself already walking before the boy even finished his sentence. He sits down beside him, basking in his presence. "Have we met before?" He blurts out of his mouth, surprising even himself. "I mean, yeah, we met yesterday, but that's not what I meant." He looks down on the sand. "Everything about you just seems so... familiar. It feels... right. Being with you just feels natural. I don't even know if I'm using the right words to describe this—what I feel when I'm with you."

The boy looks at him with a smile and switches his gaze over the blue skies and the calm waters. "It's quite a scenery to look at, don't you think so?"

Junhui faces forward, trying to see what the boy had been seeing, but was left with a yawn.

The boy let out a melodic giggle. It sounded beautiful in Junhui's ears. He wasn't sure, but he thought that it sounded familiar. "You tired, Junnie?"

"No, I'm-" Junhui's sentence was interrupted by another yawn coming out of his mouth. "Okay, maybe a little."

"Come here."

Junhui lay his head down on the boy's lap, his eyelids threatening to shut.

The boy gently brushes through Junhui's soft brown hair with his fingers.

"I've been wondering..." Junhui mutters, his eyes closed.


"How... do you know my name? And why do you call me like that? No one... no one calls me that."

"How do I know your name?" The boy grinned. "How could I not?"



"Why do I not remember this dream—you and everything in it—when I wake up?"

"Because that's just how it is."

And he had woken up.

He was greeted by the same ceiling over him.

Ah, another dream...

They had always felt real for him. It was as that person was real. He could hear him, see him, and feel him.

But just like last time, he couldn't remember it.

He couldn't remember what the boy looked like, what he sounded like, what they talked about, where they went.

He sighed.

When will I see you again?


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