Chapter 1: Anchors

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3rd POV

Chattering could be heard from Mr Ken Yukimura's classroom. Mr Yukimura finished writing something on the board and turned around to talk to his class. He smiled "Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr Yukimura".

He walked from behind his desk to stand in front of it, "I'll be taking over for you previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter and son, Kira and Kenji. Or you might not since they've never actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought home a friend for that matter".

In the back of the classroom a brunette girl sighed and slammed her head down on the table, meanwhile a bluenette boy who had his head down on the table already was asleep. At the sound of the thud he groaned and sat up, he stretched then look at his sister who was the girl next to him that slammed her head on the table.

He looked at her confused "Sis? You okay?" He realised everyone was looking at him and his sister, he gave them all confusing looks. His father starter talking again, "Either way... there they are" he pointed at the girl and boy. Kira looked up from where she had her head on her desk and looked at a boy called Scott McCall. Kenji looked to where his sister was looking and smiled but that quickly changed into a smirk when he noticed a brunette boy staring at him with a very faint red face.

Kenji and Kira's Father continued to speak, "Let's begin with American history at the turn of the 20th century".

Kenji stared at the brunette boy a bit longer until he noticed the boy Kira had been staring at looking down at the floor. He looked at the floor himself to see what he was looking at and saw the boys shadow changing, almost like a beast of some sorts.

Kenji shook his head and looked back to the floor to see the boys shadow was normal, Kenji thought he must be sleep deprived so he put his head down and went back to sleep not noticing the brown eyes glancing at him for the rest of the lesson.

Class had finally ended and Kira nudged Kenji awake "Come on, get up class has ended Kenji" the bluenette groaned and stood up grabbing his bag. Him and his sister walked out with their Father following them, his sister started arguing with their Father so Kenji just ignored them.

He noticed the two brunette's down the hall and glanced away at his Papa and sister then back at the two boys. He saw the two boys rush into a classroom so he followed them silently and looked through the glass of the door to see the brunette that Kira had been staring at with glowing red eyes, claws and fangs. His eyes widened when he saw the boy open his mouth kind of like he was roaring, which he was because for some reason to Kenji it sounded like he was right next to the boy, and dig his claws into his palm making his palms start to bleed.

He continued to watch as the boy's hands started to bleed badly and then his fangs, claws and glowing eyes disappeared and he was sweating a lot, he stayed watching as the two boys had a conversation and he heard them talking about pain and dreams, he then saw the other boy stared at the board and then the posters in the room then tell the other that he still can't read.

Kenji gasped when they both turned around and he set off running back over to his Papa and sister. He glanced back to the classroom to see two boy's stood outside the classroom staring at him before looking back at his Papa and sister.

He heard the boy in the white shirt say something to the other boy, "Scott do you think he saw?" The boy in the black tank top, who Kenji found out was called Scott, looked at the other boy "Seriously Stiles, he definitely saw" so the boy was called Stiles. Kenji looked at them again and smiled innocently, Scott and Stiles smiled back.

His sister had started to walk away from their Papa so he followed her saying quick "Bye Papa" to their Father.

[Time skip to the next day]

Kenji was being dragged by his sister to Stiles, Scott and three other people. He overhead their conversation so Kira decided to talk to them.

She went up to the table with Kenji stood behind her, "Hi. Hi, sorry. I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about. And I think we actually might know what your talking about".

Kenji saw Stiles staring at him again so he winked at him, Stiles turned his head away quickly with a blush on his cheeks. Kira continued to speak "There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called 'Bardo'. It literally means 'in-between state'. The state between life and death."

The girl with strawberry blonde hair looked at the two, "And what do they call you?" Scott spoke up from beside Stiles and looked at Kira "Kira. She's in our history class." The strawberry blonde haired girl spoke up again "So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?".

Kenji moved from behind his sister and sat down next to Stiles and spoke before Kira could, "Either, I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities."

The boy who's name Kenji didn't know spoke up, "Wrathful deities? And... What are those?" Kenji smirked "Like demons" Stiles nodded and looked at him, "Demons. Why not?" He looked at his friends.

The strawberry blonde haired girl looked at Kenji, "I'm sorry but what do they call you as well?" Kenji went to say something when he was cut off by Stiles "His name is Kenji, Lydia. He's also Kira's brother" Lydia looked at him confused and Stiles noticed her confusion "He's also in our history class".

Kenji nodded. The other girl there with brown hair who's name he didn't know yet spoke up, "Hold on, if there are different progressive states, then what's the last one?" She looked Kenji to see him smirking again as she thought she saw his eyes go a rainbow colour for a few seconds "Death. You die". They all nodded at him as his sister's phone rang, she picked it up and spoke to whoever was on the other side of it.

Kenji quickly took notice of Stiles writing something on a piece of paper. Stiles handed it to Kenji before leaning over and whispering in his ear "Call me". Kenji smirked and nodded before looking at the girl from before who's name he didn't know yet to see her eyes wide. He gave her a confused look before speaking to her, "Look I don't know why you giving me confused looks or wide eyes but I'm going to ignore it, anyway what's your name? Oh and what's your name as well? And you?" The last sentence he directed to the other boy and girl.

The girl shook her head embarrassed, "I'm allison" Kenji nodded and looked to the other boy "I'm Isaac" he nodded then looked at the other girl "I'm Lydia", Kenji nodded again and stood up. "Me and Kira need to go now so we'll hopefully see you all later, bye". The group nodded and all said their goodbyes to the siblings.

Scott looked at Allison confused as she was still staring at Kenji, "Allison? What's wrong?" Isaac spoke up next "You have a crush on Kenji or something?".

That sentence didn't sit right with Stiles for some reason and he didn't know why. Lydia spoke up next, "He's clearly gay Isaac and he seems to have taken a liking to our little Stiles here" she smiled at him and he looked down blushing. Allison shook her head, "No it's not anything like that".

Isaac looked at her confused "Then why do you keep staring at him?" Allison looked at them all and whispered "I saw his eyes flash...".

Stiles spoke up, "What do you mean?" Allison looked at him "His eyes flashed rainbow when he told us about the last stage being death and then his eyes flashed red, much like Scott's do now, when Stiles whispered to him".

The group all gave worried glances to each other then looked back to where the siblings where and looking at them both but Stiles only looked at Kenji and they all silently agreed to keep an eye on Kenji Yukimura.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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