Chapter 2: The Freaky Friday Treatment

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Krader (Flain) and Flain (Seismo) walked out of the mines while dragging Seismo (Krader) along the way (who was still sleeping and also was snoring) and saw that Teslo was running toward them in a panic, but for what reason, exactly?

"Help me man, I think I'm Tezzzzlo now!" Said Teslo.

"Okay, w-what do you need help with?" Asked Krader (Flain).


"Oh, well how did it happe-"

"I don't know, all I *BZZZZT* know is that I saw a flash of light as soon as I wazzzz GONNA take a nap, and then I'm suddenly Teslo now!"

Teslo (Zorch) then went on and on about how weird and freaky it was to be in someone else's body, even if it's someone from a different tribe.

"Oh man, what do I do? I'm Teslo, meaning... wait a minute, I can just continue my prank-frenzy but as Teslo, that is so PERFECT!" Teslo (Zorch) Internally asked himself.

Now that I think about it, I might as well do some pranks while I'm now Teslo. Too bad *BZZZZT* it'll be a bit slow, if you ask me.

"Wait, wha-" Questioned Flain (Seismo).

"See ya, goodbye!" Shouted Teslo (Zorch), and then ran off.

With an annoyed look, Krader (Flain), Flain (Seismo), & Seismo (Krader) decided to shrug it off and continue walking home. Krader (Flain) didn't want his home to be unguarded, so that's where he headed while Flain (Seismo) & Seismo (Krader) went to their Cragster caves. Flain (Seismo) carried Seismo (Krader) over to his bed which was where he was put down and rested for a while. We now see Teslo (Zorch) running towards the Magma Wastelands for a classic ding-dong-ditch prank.
'Ding-Dong!' Went the doorbell which Teslo (Zorch) pressed multiple times. After that, he ran behind a big crater in the ground, and watched the results all unravel, and also started sweating a lot from the unbearable heat. We now see Zaptor sluggishly getting up from bed to wash his face but when he looked in the mirror, he noticed something strange. He was red, and looked like Zorch, that was when he realized he was in Zorch's body.
He then released a loud shriek. After hearing the doorbell ring multiple times, he ran off to the door, only to see that no one was there.

"So it's that type of prank, haven't seen that one in multiple movies." Muttered Zorch (Zaptor), with a hint of sarcasm.

Zorch (Zaptor) grabbed a hamlonga sandwich and went on a walk, but then he saw Krader (Flain) holding a pink crystal of some sort.

(A/N: In one episode, Seismo never sweated when he was in the Magma Wastelands with Flain and pretty much no one asked why Seismo wants to go on the lava slide with Flain despite that the viewers think that Seismo will melt from the lava. Due to this fact, it is the reason why Flain in Krader's body isn't sweating.)

"Hey Krader, what's that in your hand?" Asked Zorch (Zaptor).

"Oh, this? I-it's... Krader's crystal! I found it in... mines!" Stuttered Krader (Flain)

"Gotcha. Also, I'm actually Zaptor, and I somehow got into Zorch's body. You got a cure for this or any hamlonga sandwiches?" Questioned Zorch (Zaptor) through a bite of a hamlonga sandwich.

"No, but I admit, I'm Flain and I'm somehow in Krader's body. You know anything about this crystal?" Asked Flain as he held up the fragment of the pink crystal from a chapter ago.

"Why, you think it caused the switch?"

"I guess... before the entire body-swap, Seismo was trying to pull out the crystal from the stone, but it then broke on the floor, and we saw a big flash and... boom, body swap."

"Now that I think about it and that you mention it, I think I know something, come on."

And so, Zorch (Zaptor) and Krader (Flain) went to Mountain City because Zorch (Zaptor) remembered that Teslo left his book about various legends and mysteries somewhere in his home there.

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