Chapter 25

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Kayla POV

I woke up to someone walking around my room I felt next to me Kylie is still laying here. I sat up and went to turn the light on I saw a person wearing all black they were in my underwear draw. I screamed at the top of my lung waking Kylie up and daddy came running in here with a gun in his hand

Daddy. Who the fuck is you

He pushed the person and took the ski mask off them it was a man that looked Like daddy ex girlfriend kaylin. He looked at the man hands seeing my underwear he started punching the man in his face.

Three. What happened

I pointed to the man on the floor

Me. I woke up and he was in my room

Three went to break it up and daddy hit the man one more time and he passed out

Daddy. Take him to the trap

Three nodded before dragging the man out the room

Daddy. Did he touch you

I shook my head no an went to lay back down he tucked me in kissing my forehead and I slowly fell back to sleep


I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. I jumped out of my sleep looking around seeing kd and Ben

Kd. Get up we finna go to the mall

I nodded laying back down tryna go to sleep

Ben. Come on

He snatched my bonnet off my head and I tuned the other way I'm tired. I felt one of them but my hand. I opened my eyes seeing Kacey. I turned the other way getting tired of them.

Daddy. Kayla come on

I stayed laying down

Daddy. Ok you don't gotta see your surprise.

I sat there for a minute snd jumped up to go pee. I went in the bathroom locking the door. I peed wiped, flushed then washed my hands then I brushed my teeth and washed my face then I went and got dressed.

Daddy. Come on

I followed behind him seeing  walk to the back yard. So I followed. He opened the door and I saw a jeep

I hugged him and he picked me up kissing my forehead

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I hugged him and he picked me up kissing my forehead. I laid on his shoulder still kind of tired

Kylie. Come on kayla the new episode of my little pony just came out

Daddy put me down me and Kylie went in my room to watch it.



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