"Stick around"

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The two teachers found themselves frozen in place, both sets of eyes locked onto the other. Emi felt a burning sensation wherever his skin touched hers, and they were close enough together that the scent of mint and her perfume flooded Aizawa's senses.

It had been 3 years since they'd last talked properly; Let alone touch one another the way they were touching each other at this moment.

The only noises that were present in the moment was the sound of heavy breathing, and the breeze.

Emi was the first to break the silence

"...So I guess you literally fell for me, huh?" She joked, accompanied by an awkward laugh and a small smile. Aizawa isn't laughing, nor does he seem to be moving. Heat travels up Emi's face; She turns her head away from him, prompting Aizawa to return to his senses.

He quickly stands up and helps her off the ground.

After returning the kite to the little girl (earning him multiple "thank you"'s from the family) Aizawa turns around to look at Joke who's standing a few feet behind him, looking up at the pastel painted sky. She undoes her ponytail and slides her hair-tie neatly onto her wrist. A small gust of wind travels through her hair, and her eyes seem to shimmer as the sky reflects off of them.

The hero finds himself mesmerized for a few seconds; But immediately snaps himself out of it.

  What the hell is with me today? He scolds himself.

Though a little hesitant, he begins walking over to the teal haired woman. "The kid has her kite back" he says bluntly.

She turns to him with a smile "Then the tumble was worth-it! Haha!"

Joke looks at the little girl who is beaming as she holds her kite in the air. She nudges Aizawa "You know, when I was a kid; getting my kite stuck in a tree wasn't my favorite thing; But it's up there!" Joke says cracking herself up at her own cheesy pun, slapping her knee.

Aizawa's neutral expression quickly transitions into disgust. He turns away from her and begins walking off.

"Now that the problem has been solved, I'll be going now-"

"Wait-" Joke interrupts, grabbing his wrist; Surprising herself just as much as she surprised him.

Aizawa notices how frail her hand is; However, she's not lacking in the strength department as she holds him in place. Her soft fingertips on his skin sent chills through his body. He yanks his hand away, alarmed at the strange sensation that had just washed over him. His quick -and rather sudden- action had caused them both to flinch.

"What?" he asks.

"You should stick around- for the fireworks i mean-"

"And why should I? The longer I stick around you, the more brain cells I stand to lose."

He starts to walk away again before Joke quickly repositions herself and starts pushing him from behind.

"AWW! COME ON! Don't be such a stick in the mud! I have a blanket se tup over there!"

Though he'd hate to admit it, watching the fireworks with this girl would beat sitting alone on the grass any day.

She tugs on the sleeve of his hoodie, inviting him to sit next to her on the white blanket she has set up on the grass.

She holds up a finger while opening her mouth as if she's about to say something; before recoiling and pouting as if second guessing herself.

Aizawa turns away, allowing himself to smirk at how childish she is.

When he turns back to look at her, she plays awkwardly with her hair while tapping the sides of her feet together. 

They sit in awkward silence for about a minute,

"Joke, about earlier-"

"Emi" She cuts him off. Aizawa flinches. "We're off duty right now. So please feel free to call me by my name." she says, turning to him with a smile, her knees brought up to her chest as she hugs them tightly.

"Ah. Apologies." he inhales before mustering up the courage to speak again.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier; It was unprofessional and dumb. I should have got up as soon as I had the chance."

Joke felt a hint of sadness pierce her heart as he spoke. Guiltily, she didn't mind the compromising position they were in; she may have even liked it. She stopped fantasizing when she processed how he obviously didn't share the sentiment.

"It's alright Aiawaza; I probably would've injured myself if you hadn't helped me-"

Aizawa's eyebrows were knitted together at the thought of her getting injured. Emi quickly noted the change in his facial expression and turned away.

What's this? The ice-cold, stone-hearted Shouta Aizawa is actually capable of wearing such an expression!? Man, I must have caught him on an off day because I've never seen him look at me like- like-- THAT!!

Joke silently panicked, not knowing that the black haired man was waging the same internal war that she was.

The wind had picked up and the gentle breeze caressed her skin. Some leaves were sent flying through the air, adding to the marvelous atmosphere. Aizawa never had such confidence, but as he spotted a stray strand of hair on Emi's face, his hand gently brushed it behind her ear. She turned to him in surprise, not expecting the sudden contact. More importantly, she was confused as to why his hand hasn't moved from its placement on the side of her face.

Their eyes locked once again.

EYOOO! Sorry for the short chapter XD 

The final chapter's a little longer than this one; So I hope that'll make up for my laziness here.

These two still have quite a bit to talk about, and sort through- so be prepared to witness what my brain at 2 AM had to come up with next! (I'll get the last chapter out in the next couple of hours, so keep on the lookout for it :D)


This was purely made for fun- so it isn't as lengthy as some of the other work you might find on here, nor do i imagine it being all too good in regards to quality either; However- since you're reading my Author's note right now, it means you took a chance on my dumb story; So, thank you! 

No laughing matter - (A short Aizawa x Ms. Joke fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now