[👍] AU Where They're a Bit Older And Go To High School

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• When everyone gets older, they all coincidentally end up going to the same high school!

• David adopted Max and Harrison :D (Max because of obvious reasons and Harrison because his parents also kind of suck)

• Their personalities and stuff changed a bit but other than that they still missed each other and can get used to each other's changes

^ Max definitely lightened up, probably because of David

• They'd still tease each other and stuff but when someone else tries to mess with one of them.. that jerk will experience the wrath of Camp Campbell! :]

• I'd like to think that they're still in to the things they were in to at Camp

^ Nurf is less violent, though he is a great fighter

^ Harrison got a lot better at controlling his magic, though he still isn't the best

^ Max just doesn't have any interests yet though he's probably the one to start the drama and rumors

^ Nikki still loves adventures and would usually try to find adventures with just something as simple as some stolen lunch money

^ Preston would totally sign up for the drama club

^ Dolph. Club. Art.

Camp Camp Headcanons + AU Ideas +Story Prompts (Mostly Harrison, Not Completely)Where stories live. Discover now