02/27: but these wounds still bleed

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Dear Me,

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Dear Me,

What if today, I dare to utter the three words you dread the most?

The words that would strip away your masked layers at once, scraping against the bare edges of your soul, leaving your wounds to bleed out in the open. The words that would force you to question what you've been running away from all along.

Cutting right through the last thread tying your broken pieces together, they would pierce deep enough to trickle the river of sorrow coursing through your veins. For the heart still yearns, the memories still ache and these wounds still bleed.

The three words that scare you more than 'I love you'.

For now, it's time to be honest and face your own bitter truth. Because these past months, you've been fooling nobody but yourself.

You've played this game of pretend for way too long now, lulling yourself to sleep when the darkness of your heart scared you more than the quiet of all those cold, lonely nights. Praying, hoping, wishing you fall asleep before you fall apart.

So tell me, really, as I dare to ask you...

How are you?

I guess I should have started my letter to you with an apology instead. For putting you through the worst of hells, grieving the loss of someone who is still alive, who lives on and breathes as you choke your sobs to sleep each night.

One heartbreak was all it took to make you forget what love was. Just how effortlessly beautiful the dark sky of your life had become when your moon cast its silver glow on your lifeless world, whispering hope amidst the dreary shadows. But once your sky lost its moon, for what feels like forever, nothing ever made it feel quite complete again.

Because what's the night sky without its moon?

There was no way the sky could see itself the same way on the night of a new moon. There would always be something missing, a void too huge to hide. But in between the twinkles of emptiness, lies a wishful thought... That maybe the moon, even in hiding, would be thinking about its sky, reminiscing about how they together created a breathtaking view.

The mere fact that he is breathing somewhere makes you wonder if you maybe cross his mind sometime, a smile curling up on his face when he would think about all those blissful moments. And your heart is naïve enough to keep holding onto such false hopes, believing that somehow, the moon would come back, realising it never shined as bright as it did with its dark sky. And there you would be, welcoming him back with arms outstretched.

But he never did.

And as if giving up on the notion of love wasn't enough, you were forced to watch in silence as your whole world fell apart, as your warmth of love froze into a block of hatred. And all you know now is to hate - hating him for leaving you alone in this mess, hating yourself when you realise you were the one who let him in, giving him the right to play with your fragile feelings.

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