Prologue: The Dream

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Heya, this is my first fanfic, so I hope you enjoy. It is set towards the end of season four of Supernatural and is in Dean's P.O.V.


I was sitting on a fishing wharf with a line bobbing in the water. “How peaceful,” I thought to myself as I took a deep breath. I had a strange feeling I was being watched though; by whom I didn’t know, I was too busy watching my float bob along with the smooth current.

A sudden flap of wings shocks me out of my reverie, followed by a gruff: “We need to talk.” I roll my eyes in disgust when I see the angel in his signature trench coat and blue tie, and put on my best bitch face as I realise what is happening.

“I’m dreaming aren’t I?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“It’s not safe here,” Cas replies. Dammit, why does he always avoid my questions?! “Some place more private,” he continues.

“More private?" I scoff, "We’re inside my head,” I suggest with an added bitch face for effect.

“Exactly,” he breathes, almost as if it is the most obvious thing, “someone could be listening.”

“Cas, what’s wrong?” I ask seriously now, sitting up in my chair.

“Meet me here,” he replies gruffly, handing me a white slip of paper. “Go now.”

And with that, he’s gone again and I’m left looking dumbfounded.


The sound of a car horn makes me wake with a start and I gasp. It takes me less than five minutes to put on my ripped jeans, black t-shirt, plaid over-shirt and hunting boots. Sam agreed to come along with me to find Cas, and to see what the son of a bitch wanted in the first place. We’re walking along a poorly lit corridor at the address that Cas kindly slipped into my jeans pocket.

“What’d he say Dean? What was so important?” Sam asks.

“If I knew, would I be here?” I say, sass clear in my tone. We continue down the corridor to find an open part in the warehouse. By the looks of it, ten kinds a crazy went on in here. Beams knocked over, ladders and other warehouse materials crushed and smashed and the distant ‘zap’  and spark of an electrical wire that had been snapped in the process.

“What the hell?” I question.

“Looks like a bomb went off,” Sam states.

Then it dawns on me, “There was a fight here.”

“Between who?” Sam asks in a breathy voice.

“Holy crap,” I think to myself and say, “Check it out.” We wander over to the angel sigil scrawled on the warehouse’s far wall, “Look familiar?”

“Yeah, it does."

“Annie used something like that to whoosh the angels back to the cornfield,” I recall from memory.

“So what? Cas was fighting angels?” Sam asks in his questioning tone.

“I don’t know,” I respond in a deep whisper.


Man, what a crazy day it was. Well, crazier than usual. Getting Cas back into his true vessel, fighting off some demons and getting Jimmy Novak’s family to safety. But even after all of that, the asshat didn’t even tell me what he wanted to say in the first place! All he said in that god damned gruff voice was: “I learned my lesson while I was away, Dean. I serve Heaven, I don’t serve man and I certainly don’t serve you.” Little did I know that an angel in a trench coat would be back later to tell me what he really wanted…


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